Skittles For Sale (No Pics)

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Jan 9, 2009
Greenwich, CT
Wondered across this little gem today...

Marry Our Daughter

Parents selling their daughters into marriage! Every girl there is under 18, some as low as 13, and asking prices go from $4k to $100k...

From the site:

Marry Our Daughter is an introduction service assisting those following the Biblical tradition of arranging marriages for their daughters.

Those who wish to list their Daughters with our site should click on SIGN UP OUR DAUGHTER on our main page for a form to fill out.

Those who wish to propose to a specific Daughter should click on the PROPOSE button on the Daughter’s INFO CARD.
This stuff shouldn't be legal

I hope the FBI owns that site..

BTW fake confirmation:

The site is a prank.

Thank goodness.

But not everyone is in on the joke. The site has gotten 20 million page views in the last two weeks and now elicits around a thousand, mostly angry, emails a day. In the last few days, the site’s “publicity director” has also appeared on at least half a dozen talk radio shows around the country, including on Las Vegas (MIX-FM), Houston (KRBE-FM) and Philadelphia (WYSP-FM) and mixed it up with belligerent on-air-personalities and hostile listeners, whom he neglected to let in on the ruse.

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"Stephanie is a no-nonsense, get down to life kind of girl and she’s looking for the same in a husband. She’s already managing a nearby restaurant and has doubled its profits and she’s looking for a husband with a head for business and to share her dream of starting her own restaurant."

She's doubled their profits, maybe she can run my PPC campaigns? $23k for a 16yo and if you scrunch up your face enough to counteract their blurred photos, she looks pretty good too.

Hmm.. where do I sign?
I'm pretty sure it's a joke...a sick one but still a joke, maybe intended to be a "shock" site.


"Thank God for your site! Our daughter was really nervous walking down the aisle, but she seems okay now and the money we got let us keep our farm and even add on a few acres."

—Mrs. Addrien L.

"At first we were worried that Janine was too young to get married, but then her new husband bought her a house and a car and jewelry and the money we got let us buy a house for ourselves. Getting out of the trailer park at our age was the best thing that ever happened to us, and it’s all thanks to Marry Our Daughter!"

—Mr. Jack M.

“I was SO scared getting married so young, but my husband is an okay guy and I am SO proud that because of me my parents were able to get their first brand-new car and take the trip they always wanted to. I couldn’t have done it without your site!"

—Katrina K., married at 14

“Our 15 year old daughter Mary wasn’t very popular and did nothing but mope around the house bringing everybody down, so we decided to marry her off through your site. Now our house is a lot cheerier and we love our new swimming pool and Jaccuzi! We’ve told our youngest that when she turns 15 we’re going to marry her off too!"

—Mrs. James P.

“My mother thought I was getting ‘too frisky” and that I had to get married right away before I lost my purity to some high school boy. Marry Our Daughter found me a husband and my parents were able to keep their house and pay off my mother’s medical bills. I was so glad I could help them, and being married at my age (I'm 16 now) has a lot of advantages, like my own credit card!"

—Nancy A.
Olivia N.
Age: 16,
Location: Northeast

Bride Price:
$42,995Olivia lived among the finer things in life until her family found themselves in diminished circumstances. She is looking for a husband that can not only get her back to where she was but help out those she loves as well.

We're broke so we're selling our daughter so you can make us rich again.
"At first we were worried that Janine was too young to get married, but then her new husband bought her a house and a car and jewelry and the money we got let us buy a house for ourselves. Getting out of the trailer park at our age was the best thing that ever happened to us, and it’s all thanks to Marry Our Daughter!"

—Mr. Jack M.
This pwns..

“Our 15 year old daughter Mary wasn’t very popular and did nothing but mope around the house bringing everybody down, so we decided to marry her off through your site. Now our house is a lot cheerier and we love our new swimming pool and Jaccuzi! We’ve told our youngest that when she turns 15 we’re going to marry her off too!"

—Mrs. James P.
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