Sites attacked with Pharma Spam Links!


Dec 24, 2011
Singapore, Taiwan, Dubai
A few of my sites are attacked by pharma and western union spam links within the post. 2 of those at EbizMeeting dot com and Ezvideomaster dot com.

Tried calling web host to help, they can't seems to clean it completely it and even causes some of my content lost.

Search high and low for solution. Someone offered me USD65 per hour to do the job, but now I am reluctant?

Any sugestion?

Was it a CMS like Wordpress? If so your content should still be stored in MySQL.

I'd just re-upload the wordpress files (unless you modded anything) and it should rid of most of it unless they actually went the extra mile to infect the actual posts (which I doubt).
There should be Php file called post.php, can't remember, I'm on mobile. Reload that from the original wordpress installation pack. Make sure it's the same version as you are running. It will overwrite the hacked version on the server.

Backup before you do anything: backup files and SQL database. Easy to do if you got cPanel.

Next time make sure you keep up with WP latest version to avoid easy hacks.
Thanks SeoHug,
I do need to ask a few more questions.

How do i reload that post.php file or any file? You mean I download the file via FTP and load it up again?

Please consider me as a newbie and help perhaps with some instruction. Thank in advance.
Is this what you mean

Hi Seohug,

What is a wordpress installation pack?
How and where do I can one?
Does it mean I download it and and upload it via ftp?
p/s:Cause I installed via fantastico.