Site Review

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Weeell, It's a slick looking site, assuming it's not a template you ripped from somewhere.

It doesn't validate at the w3C, if that's important to you. It doesn't have a doctype declaration. Personally I am not in favor of all tables.

Also on a style note the body text, when you follow the links, is not defined in CSS so it defaults on my screen as a serif font which doesn't really look good.

Over all good site. I personally like the look of it.

Good job.
Well, most of the look of the site is ripped from a template, I wanted to spend more time on the coding on this one. I've still a few bits to finish off, like the text that you mention Alexa7, thanks for the feedback. I'm also still working on the search.

jpablo, it's a directory, so the php comes in to play if you add your site. The sections are also generated (no information in most of them at the moment though).
nice simple site, but not too complicated to coding, create a forgot password section, also in the time you are experiencing php, try to do some ajax workshop too, in the signup forms for on page activations of input texts.
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