Site Review and Help

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New member
Jun 27, 2006
Hello all,
here is my site Rails411 (, a resource directory for Ruby on Rails language. i have scaled back the features to get it going. I am going to add a Forum and Events list later on. Please give me some critique, as much as possible.
I also need ideas on how to drive traffic to this niche.

I think your site has serious potential.

1.) the color scheme works overall. a suggestion though: On the main page, you've got black, red and white text coloring all of your links on the top half of the page. As you scroll down, more and more of those links become blue text. It throws the thematic feel off. I'd change some of those colors on the lower half to match your colors on the top of the page.

2.) I'd cut the size of your footer in half (by reworking that bulleted list, maybe?) or rework the positioning of the white space. It feels off.

3.) I'm going to assume you're aware of the text running off the page in the actual directory

Read this forum for ways to get traffic. Submit to digg and netscape and the like. Those folks love rails. I wouldn't open the forum until you've established a bit of traffic though. There's nothing more depressing to a new visitor than a ghost town of a forum. Better to not have one at all quite yet.

hope some of this helped.
thanks I appreciate it. What browser are you using. I didn't see the text runnoff. I may need to adjust my css (no I didnt design the site for IE, or any one browser for that matter). I still need to fix some things like that footers bullet list, forgot to mention that. And I know there is a majore header bug in IE7.

Keep the critique coming.

submiting to netscape is new to me? what are you referring to?
it only seems to be doing it when i click "books and media". The text runs right out of the text boxes you've got set up. Can't even see the end of a lot of the sentences. I'm using firefox 1.5. In IE the same page is even more garbled. The others look pretty good though.

One thing that kind of bugs me is that not all the text boxes in those directory pages aren't the same width. Some are shortened for ad space, etc. So they might look better once that's set up. Maybe change the justification of the text so you've got a clean line on both margins?
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