Site Re-Structure


Level 3
Dec 2, 2012
I've read some online, and from what I can tell, there are risks to completely changing site structure..

-Loss in site traffic (temporary and/or permanent if done wrong)
-Possible loss in link juice due to failed redirects

But I really think a lot could be gained if it were set up better. The positives, the site has growing authority, some pretty good links with a lot more coming in, and 275 pages of content ranging from 500-2500 words, average being about 800.

The negatives... it's poorly structured and it has 275 pages to deal with. Traffic is peaking, if not slowly decreasing.

My questions are these:

  1. Good idea or bad idea to restructure?
  2. How long do you think it might take to regain the traffic?
  3. Would I be better off with a new site and doing it right from the get to?

1. We can't justify if you need to restructure - as we have no clue what the site even looks like.

2. We can't tell you how long it will take to regain traffic, no not even an estimate.

3. Doesn't sound like a good idea to make a new site... The one you have looks like it is doing fine.

It sounds like you have a good thing on your hands, but you're scared to make it better due to the chance of possible loss of traffic and link juice. I think you're overthinking things bro, and too worried.

You said it's peaking, if not slowly decreasing. Do you just want to sit around twiddling your thumbs and watch your traffic and entire site possibly go to shit because you didn't want to deal with it?

That's like saying "Bro I got my lamborghini just sitting in my driveway, but with a flat tire, should I just take it to the scrap yard and take the 1000% loss? or should I just get out there, jack the fucker up and fix it?"

Whether you think it can, or it can't, you're right.

Take your own signature into consideration - now get to work and re-design that fucker.
1. We can't justify if you need to restructure - as we have no clue what the site even looks like.

2. We can't tell you how long it will take to regain traffic, no not even an estimate.

3. Doesn't sound like a good idea to make a new site... The one you have looks like it is doing fine.

1. True: let's just assume it's a giant spider web of jumbled mess. Organization in the beginning was basically zero. I can only assume a restructuring would help rankings in the long run due to better relevance in silos.

2. Fair enough.

3. True, although I would never "scrap" this one. Only make an additional one.
Im a newb so take it for what it's worth.

IF you've got 300 pages of just random information not categorized or interlinked I feel like you would be getting massive value in figuring out some greater category pages that you could classify your massive amount of content towards, and let all that content feed link juice and relevance to an overall category page.
It may be either a good Idea if you follow the plan properly before and after launch of site:-

- have your SEO consultant on -site or hire an expert for the total process.
- involve your developer throughout the launch.
- do not left to those who do not understand the importance of seo.

Good luck!
Def vote for restructuring. If you know it and you are confident enough that it will make your site better then go for it without hesitation

- Also How about capture the traffic while you are restructuring?

I mean get them to sign up to your newsletter/leads than completely loosing them while you are restructuring?
Before restructuring just make sure you have
1) A concise plan for the re-structure
- What are your visitors getting out of you restructuring - benefits
- How are you going to deliver this to them?
2) a good plan already set in place for how to recoup any loss traffic...
- count down to new website, perhaps a promotion to ring in the new site, communicate with anyone currently linking to your page and share new page info, etc.
Going to restructure. This time of year is the lowest point of traffic for my niche, so a dip in traffic now will hurt a lot less than if I wait.

Any recommended tools to help get a bird's eye view of current layout? I tried PowerMapper but found it to be pretty useless. Realistically, I'm a control freak and will likely just use excel going page by page to make sure not a single one is left behind.
Restructure it and 301 all the old links to the new ones. If you do it right your traffic loss will be negligible. It might even increase given enough time.
Restructure it and 301 all the old links to the new ones. If you do it right your traffic loss will be negligible. It might even increase given enough time.

If I'm just changing what URL points to what URL, I don't need to change the actual URLs themselves, right? And if that's the case, nothing needs to be 301'd?

EDIT: or would it be much smoother if I did change all the URLs?
As I'm going through this, it will probably make better sense to re-categorize, so URLs will change. Therefore, Cheshire and (o_O), you're right.