Site not showing up in Google anymore?


big internet boss
Jan 18, 2012
Hey there, I started up a website, got content, SEO Optimized etc and it was sitting on page 34 for my main keyword. I bought a 1000+ High PR Blog service from someone in the buy/sell forum (who is now banned). My site went down to page 32 in one day, and then went off of all the pages completely. My site is still index when I search for it directly, but not for my keyword anymore. Is this temporary? I got a refund from the guy, would love some direction/opinions, thanks.

Here's his link

Add unique content (and also replace the low quality, spun content with original one) and keep building high quality links. If your site deserve a good spot, it will eventually appear on serp again.
Yeah it will take you some time to climb up but you need to find a new (permanent) source of links ASAP. You are not penalized - you just lost your rankings cause of the lost links! Like you said you were sitting on page 34 before and now you lost all the trust you had. Check your site with open site explorer to see where you're at
yeah, you can create a google dance just by uploading new content ORIGINAL each day.

I woud recommend some manual bookmark, it works well on the short term.

-_- Google Dance, where we study websites by shooting into a crowd of people, study the different ways the wounds bleed out, give them medical attention, then act like nothing happened.
I tested that on an R&D site a few months ago. Your options:
- 301 to another site
- Go work on something else.
I had the Google dance as well. I was on Page 2 then all my Keywords dissappeared.

I still have some on Google but way up there.

your rankings usually come back. Its when their just about to hit page #1, Google pulls the plug.
This happend to 4 of my sites today , they where no 1, 3 and 5 in , and today one is no 105 and 2 don't show anywhere, I made some links from private networks, all with minim pr 2 , all my sits are unique content , if I search site: I find all the pages, do you think is normal ? What can I do ?
it will take as much of your time as a new site takes to be at goo/gle, generating promotional content, seo stuff blah blah
My site didn't disappear from google per se but it might as well have done. Went from 150 visitors a day to 10 visitors a day overnight. It was heavily optimized (h1,h2,h3, alt tags, 4% density etc).. so I think that was the penalty. Here's the thing: I did nothing but add fresh content and BOOM... In a week, everything was back to normal. (it's just a hobby site that I monetized btw so I didn't care about the traffic.. which is why I didn't amend the over optimization issues)
SEO and playing Google's game is very frustrating work. No matter what you do, you always run the risk of Google changing up their algorithm and wiping your site completely off the map. That's why its becoming more important than ever to focus on building quality sites with a brand. You want your traffic sources to be direct or through referrals (social networks, blogs, forums, other sites, etc.) rather than relying 100% on search engine traffic. The key to a truly successful site is returning visitors.
Hey there, I started up a website, got content, SEO Optimized etc and it was sitting on page 34 for my main keyword. I bought a 1000+ High PR Blog service from someone in the buy/sell forum (who is now banned). My site went down to page 32 in one day, and then went off of all the pages completely. My site is still index when I search for it directly, but not for my keyword anymore. Is this temporary? I got a refund from the guy, would love some direction/opinions, thanks.

Here's his link

Hmmmm Good