Site migration and cpanel nightmare


pink floyd
Jun 12, 2011
Migrating a wordpress site from justhost to asmallorange. Sound simple? Nope. Asmallorange usually handles all this for you, free. Just give them your old hosting cpanel login, and they will handle everything. I let them try and they tell me basically that justhost does not use the same backup/restore program in cpanel that they do, and that I'm going to have to do it myself or request justhost do a cmove to the home directory or something. Justhost aint gonna do that shit mang, they don't give a fuck.

Asmallorange uses regular "backup" and "backup wizard" in their cpanel.

Justhost has those two disabled in their cpanel and only offers "Site Backup Pro" which is a different animal.

So I try going into Site Backup Pro (the free version part of it) and do an entire cpanel backup both to a TAR file, and to a ZIP file, so I'll have both formats.

I go into Asmallorage cpanel and attempt to restore and you can only restore one piece at a time, such as home directory, mysql, email, etc. So I plug in the big fuckin entire cpanel backup file, and dumb shit happens and it doesn't work.

So I go back to Justfuck control panel and do a backup of those individual things then go back and try to restore, and the shit doesn't work of course. I guess because they are two different kinds of data backups, I dunno.

But, so, I'm in migration hell. Can anyone shed light?

You do realize that A small orange is owned by EIG, the same folks that destroy and run into the ground just about every company they buy/touch?? The same folks that bought out hostgator and (JUSTHOST - the company you are moving from) and had a massive 24+ hour outage affecting their entire datacenter last month...

And you want to move your sites there??? you ok bro?
So is JustHost. It is a classic example of an illusion of choice.

He is moving from one of their brands to another of their brands.

My heart sunk when I read this. My god, I had no idea. I thought you may have been playing a joke on me. I googled and saw where they were bought out in March 2013. I'm going to stab myself in the face, now. Oh well, I got a years worth of "not shared" hosting, static IP, ssl cert, 10gb space for $100. FML.
Asmallorange's VPS prices are way better than hostgator's... kind of funny considering they're owned by the same people.

Anyways, don't sweat your decision to go with them. Hostgator has always been good to me, their support has always been top notch, and yes, they had some server problems for one day out of the almost 2 years I've been with them. I'm assuming asmallorange will provide you with a similar quality of service.

And to address your issue - well, I don't really know, but I bet as a last resort you could use WPTwin to clone your site, install Wordpress on your domain on the new hosting and deploy the clone over there. Would cost you like $97 though (for 10 clones).
Why not just

1. download entire file/site structure via ftp.
2. Export database via phpmyadmin
3. upload entire file structure to new host
4. import database via phpmyadmin
5. change database references in wp-config if needed

I just did this with a Wordpress site and had zero issues.
Why not just

1. download entire file/site structure via ftp.
2. Export database via phpmyadmin
3. upload entire file structure to new host
4. import database via phpmyadmin
5. change database references in wp-config if needed

I just did this with a Wordpress site and had zero issues.

Do this. If you don't have emails hosted on the domain, it is a 10-15 minute procedure. Cpanel lets you backup MySQL databases, it just gives you a dump that you can paste into phpMyAdmin to create the tables and restore all data.
Why not just

1. download entire file/site structure via ftp.
2. Export database via phpmyadmin
3. upload entire file structure to new host
4. import database via phpmyadmin
5. change database references in wp-config if needed

I just did this with a Wordpress site and had zero issues.

Ok, and in #5, how exactly do I change database references? edit the wp-config.php file?

I'm fucking losing my mind on this. I ended up getting justhost to do a pkgacct command and got a cpmove-xxx.tar.gz which i passed over to the good gentlemen at asmallorange, and they restored it (and used the exact username that was on the old hosting) and there are multiple php errors when i try to load up the site. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck.
Ok, and in #5, how exactly do I change database references? edit the wp-config.php file?

I'm fucking losing my mind on this. I ended up getting justhost to do a pkgacct command and got a cpmove-xxx.tar.gz which i passed over to the good gentlemen at asmallorange, and they restored it (and used the exact username that was on the old hosting) and there are multiple php errors when i try to load up the site. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck.

sometimes, actually most of the time when you move to a new host the database prefix changes so you'll have to change that within the wp-config.php file. for instance your old database might be:


and your new one would be


if you run into problems just hit up Bloghue (seriously)

regarding your php issues, it could be a number of issues including plugin activation. google the php errors you will probably find out the solution also.
How come people find it difficult to move a SQL database and some PHP pages? eh?

Am I missing some detail or something?
How come people find it difficult to move a SQL database and some PHP pages? eh?

Am I missing some detail or something?

No idea it's pretty simple.

Except last month when I bought a site and later found out how fucking huge it was for a wordpress site. Over 80k high def images and I had to use a website transfer company to do it and they had a lot of trouble even with shell access.

They got it done but I swear they spent a lot of hours on it and I only paid $30 for the service.
No idea it's pretty simple.

Except last month when I bought a site and later found out how fucking huge it was for a wordpress site. Over 80k high def images and I had to use a website transfer company to do it and they had a lot of trouble even with shell access.

They got it done but I swear they spent a lot of hours on it and I only paid $30 for the service.

scp ain't free yo.
It's pretty cool how you posted in STS about not knowing how to move a wordpress site and didn't get flamed for it, hey?