Site 1 year old and want more visitors


New member
Feb 10, 2007
Good Morning Everyone!

I have a site that I have where people can download a trial program and try it and can pay to unlock the full version if they like it. The site has been live for about a year now. But I am still having issues with getting generic visitors and any type of visitors. I have stopped running my ads of late to see how many visitors hit the site and I only get up to 15/day. I think I should be able to get a lot more, or am I wrong. I just don't want to continue investing money into ads that are not working if I can not convert them.

I have done some SEO stuff on it and been working on the keywords for the site. This site has been a great resource for help. But it is almost like I am just missing that one thing that is preventing me from getting the visitors.

I have done the following:

  • Directory submissions via people on this site
  • Google Adsense
  • Facebook ads - targeted to target market
  • snail mail campaign
  • Some email marketing

It seems like I am doing everything I need. When I put searches in Google I will see my page on the 1st result page for most keywords, some others it is page 2. I have even done a blog on the site for updates to help with new content.

I think I have tried to explain all I have done best I can. Can anyone recommend anything I may try or if you see I am doing something wrong please let me know. Everyone I talk to loves the product and use the program so its just an issue of getting the free trial version to people.

Thanks again for all your advise in advance!!!!

what are the keywords you putin that show your site as the first pager? (no need to answer that)
does those keywords actually have searches performed on them? (by other people)
is it a good number? (the searches)

you need to consider all of that
Have you acquired many backlinks?

How many indexible pages do you have? And how many backlinks do you have showing in yahoo site explorer???