single product promotion

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Jul 6, 2007
At my desk!
When pushing a single product affiliate offer is it best to go for a blog, single landing page, general niche site or ....

Ive found a nice little domain name that gets quite a few searches for the exact phrase of the product with very little competition.

I already have quite a few established sites within the general niche so I can push quite a bit of relevant link juice towards the site and im very hopefull (fingers crossed) that i can hit at least the first page of google.

My problems are...
If I build a blog, theres only so many things i can say about said product so im probably going to run out of content pretty quickly unless I generalise quite alot.. also with a blog it would look pretty obvious if I put a link to the offer on every page.

If I build a general niche site eg.. home, about, info, contact, etc Im not sure that this product would really cut it to have a site of its own.. I mean its a fairly simple mondain every day product... would building a site around it raise any flags.

If I build a single landing page site Ive heard that google has been frowning upon these lately and they are very hard to get indexed...

oh what to do :(

Any help guidance, push, insults appreciated

I'm no expert but I would say it depends on the user intent, which is established by your search query. Your best bet is to create a few sites and split test them to see what works the best.
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