Single Page Squeeze/Landing pages


New member
Jan 17, 2014
I remember when I first tried to go into internet marketing a few years ago I saw the single page sites whose goal was to convince you that what they were selling was the best thing ever.

Personally I felt like they were always 3x as long as they needed to be, but now I am getting off topic.

My question is can the single pages do well assuming my headline is good, my ad copy is good, and I do well with PPC?

I am not expecting for them to make me rich, and I expect to have to create some quality free offers if the vendor does not have any give-a-ways. I just don't want to get into something that may not work anymore.

If anyone wants to know why I am thinking of this, it is because I want to promote clickbank offers.

I do have a blog, but I don't want it to have a lot of links, and it is being reworked at the moment.

My question is can the single pages do well assuming my headline is good, my ad copy is good, and I do well with PPC?
You already have your answer why still ask? let me rephrase it. You are already doing good with PPC on the single page site. There's no need for your suggestions, i only need some self recognition.

One thing though, you are asking the question cause you know there's something missing. Even though im not getting in discussions with you, i will just give you an answer.

One page site is so 2010 and will not work with google at this point of time. If you want to rank on google you need to get more pages and more shit on your site. Use this as guidelines and add some stuff of your own when its all done:
I never said I was doing well on single page sites. I don't even have one. I just wanted to be sure before I spent my time trying one as a side project. Thanks for the informkation link though. It will be useful.

I never said I was doing well on single page sites. I don't even have one. I just wanted to be sure before I spent my time trying one as a side project. Thanks for the informkation link though. It will be useful.

Guess i misread the OP, But Goodluck. Having a 1 page site will just not give you a single thing. Even PBN's and web 2.0's aren't built as a 1 page shit today to be effective. Post of CC though are a great guideline to follow. Read the whole thread to see the updates between the posts too
There are times to use long copy and times to use short. Depends on the traffic source, the offer, etc.

A time-tested strategy:

Send traffic to a lead capture page that offers something of value in exchange for their email (a free ebook, report, software, etc) then promote the offer via an email campaign.

Yes, long copy still makes people a shit-ton of money online.
as long as you make a strong enough case for a sale, break objections and prove yourself. If you can also make the offer complete, clear and make it extremely easy for people to buy from you and not your competitors. I don't think it matters how many pages you have on your site to be honest. Just look at how horrible some of the Advertorial sites are. Some links off the main page do not even work at all. It's 100% your Ad copy.