Simple task scheduler?


New member
May 28, 2009
My brother in law is a great guy - he works in a foundry and just got a decent promotion. He's now in charge of 120 or so subordinates.

These are very skilled people - but they are NOT computer wizards. His subordinates are part of the maintenance crew and do tasks like...

-repair machinery
-preventative maintenance
-assorted other task work

My "full time" job is deploying enterprise IT Service Management software which is HEAVILY involved in the space of work management, asset management, task/change management, etc - so I KNOW this space. I work with Fortune 100 + US Fed Government.

Thing is - all of my stuff is VERY much overkill for what my brother in law needs to manage the team. He needs a very simple task scheduler software to...

1.) Schedule who is doing what on any given day
2.) Schedule reminders to check up on tasks as needed
3.) Show calendar view of "this is what we are doing today"

He does NOT have Outlook in his office or I'd recommend the calendar tasks feature in that.

Any recommendations?

Thanks in advance.