--> Simple Registration Script/Plugin required


New member
Mar 22, 2010
Hey guys!
I try to implement a simple registration process in my WP3.0 powered LP like this:

1. user click on “Try it now”-Button
2. nice signup page appears (Company,E-Mail,Name…)
3. user has to verify his/her mail-address
4. gain access to a specific link

BUT: The link should be cloaked by a unique link for every single user to prevent misuse and track usage.

BUT 2: After a certain time the link should become inactive.

My programming-abilities are more like “copy n paste and slightly modify”-coder, so I’m looking for a WP-Plugin or code-snipped (or combination of booth) to get things done.

It is a feasibility study, so it should be free – I know I can manage this using aweber, but it’s not free.

All helpful suggestions are welcome.
