Signing up to MySpace Ads

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I never got it to work on my previous computer and my laptop. Tried every major browser. But I have no problem at all on my new computer.
I exchanged a couple of emails with myspace support, sent them screenshots with error messages but they claim it works fine. I tried with FF3, IE6 and IE7 but I can't get past the welcome screen.
anyone having success with myspace?

how do the costs compare with fb?
I've never had any trouble logging in and had no issues signing up (only used ff3).

I'm making money on a myspace campaign right now that was barely breaking even on fb. And I like the larger ad real estate for more or less the same price. better CTR, too. But that could just be this one campaign (haven't tried myspace yet for any others).
better CTR, too. But that could just be this one campaign

Umm, yea... I recently tried to fire up some stuff on myspace and my bounce rate is like 95% on multiple pages. Its crazy because the lander is doing great with other traffic sources.
I don't get it. I've tested and I just can't get Myspace traffic to get off of my LPs.
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