signing up for maxbounty?

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Danny Trejo Power!
Nov 7, 2006
I want to sign up for maxbounty but the site I want to use to promote with them isn't finished yet. Is the type of site even important for them? Or can I just upload a free template, get accepted and later upload my own?

just give them a site you already have, if you don't already have a site then you might want to waite
Alright, thanks for the quick answer. Will temporarily removing adsense ads from my site increase my chance to get accepteD?
NO, it does not matter they should give you the ok if you have a site with any kind of content and you tell them you have a network with a bunch of sites etc.
Other possibilities are:

1. Maybe a friend of yours has a nice finished site, but not using it anymore. In that case he can push his domain temporary to your account. This is what I did in the past when I started with networks as a newbie! But never give out someone's else website (not belonging to you), because they do check owner of domain and if this is matching your profile to make things clear... :D

2. Or you can buy a cheap site on one of the forums in the mean time & next sign up at one of the networks! To get approved is most of the time easy done, especially when you signed up using a referral. Also this referral can do a good word for you in order to get you in! Sometimes those networks even approve you through chat IM without filling out official sign up form. :)

OR move your butt faster & finish your site first as Chrislingle said...
HI akkO. I'm the affiliate manager with MaxBounty and review most of the applications. While a site is usually mandatory for acceptance into the network, if you let me know the reasons why you don't have a completed site I'll take that into consideration when reviewing the application. We're pretty understanding. :)


Jessica Dagg
Affiliate Manager - highest paying CPA rates
Jess is the only AM right now (and for a long time). I am new with the company but will be helping her out when I'm up to speed. Feel free to contact either one of us any time!
I have never quite understood why CPA companies require a website. I have always used PPC traffic for affiliate stuff, and I believe a big portion of CPA "users" do the same. So why I need to submit a website? I know you realize I can't use let's say arcade website for health products, and I'll use a different site for that. I also know that you realize that most of the people don't even bother to report the sites they use to drive traffic.

So why don't you put an option "I use PPC" for example in your application form? I know people who will just find a random site, scrape it, upload it in a random domain and pass it on as their own - just for the application.
I have never quite understood why CPA companies require a website. I have always used PPC traffic for affiliate stuff, and I believe a big portion of CPA "users" do the same. So why I need to submit a website? I know you realize I can't use let's say arcade website for health products, and I'll use a different site for that. I also know that you realize that most of the people don't even bother to report the sites they use to drive traffic.

So why don't you put an option "I use PPC" for example in your application form? I know people who will just find a random site, scrape it, upload it in a random domain and pass it on as their own - just for the application.

I agree. I've been using a myspace site of mine just because it is usually a required field, and then in the comments I will state that I do more ppc.
Hi all. As stated before, if you let us know why you don't currently have a site or that you plan on making multiple, ad-specific sites, you are generally let into the network. We require a website for the majority of all applications to verify that the affiliate's site complies with our terms and conditions.
Hi all. As stated before, if you let us know why you don't currently have a site or that you plan on making multiple, ad-specific sites, you are generally let into the network. We require a website for the majority of all applications to verify that the affiliate's site complies with our terms and conditions.
Sorry to be a pain in the ass, but what good does it do to verify a site that affiliate isn't even going to use? I mean it takes like 5 seconds to scrape some random site and 10 seconds to upload it in a spare domain.
You aren't being a pain in the ass. :) The majority of the affiliates that apply plan on advertising through their sites. We make it a mandatory field to accommodate the highest percentage of applicants. We make exceptions and let in affiliates without a site when they are using a mailing list or PPC. This is why it's important to mention how you'll advertise in the application notes section.

Also, affiliates are more likely to be rejected from running the self-directed offers if the merchant can't see a site. Having a site, even if it isn't the one the publisher plans on using ultimately, is better than none.
You aren't being a pain in the ass. :) The majority of the affiliates that apply plan on advertising through their sites. We make it a mandatory field to accommodate the highest percentage of applicants. We make exceptions and let in affiliates without a site when they are using a mailing list or PPC. This is why it's important to mention how you'll advertise in the application notes section.

Also, affiliates are more likely to be rejected from running the self-directed offers if the merchant can't see a site. Having a site, even if it isn't the one the publisher plans on using ultimately, is better than none.
Oh yes, sorry I didn't remember that you had the system where advertiser can decide if you can advertise their stuff. I'm so used to the system where you just pick the offer and go.
No worries. Half of the merchants are managed so all affiliates have access to them (of course, incentive publishers are limited to only incentive accepting offers), and the other half are open or self-directed with the merchants having the option of accepting or rejecting the individual affiliates. :)
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