*sigh* I hate advertisers

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New member
Jun 27, 2007
As a person who's relatively new to the industry I have always had a sort of ignorant bliss regarding the relationship I have with advertisers. I give them leads, they convert the leads, everyones happy... right? Apparently not.

Over the past few days I've had many phone calls from my AM (who is awesome) regarding some concerns the advertisers have with my ads. How did they find the ads? The good ol' Facebook ad board. Apparently their problem with my ads is NOT the quality of traffic that is sent, but that the ad doesn't represent their brand properly.

Now I'm one to find that request actually quite reasonable as they are in fact trying to maintain a brand image. What rubs me the wrong way is when they release ads specifically to be used on Facebook that include my EXACT ad copy. You have a problem with my ad yet it's good enough to be released by you to be used by other people?

To top the cherry off, I am more or less the only one running there campaigns in volume on my network and just received an e-mail from my AM (Who is still awesome) that the payouts are going down again (second time in two months).

So to some up:
1) MUST use their pre-created ads
2) Lower Payout


Play hardball and don't tolerate being dicked around. Move your traffic somewhere else for a while and see how they respond.
Yep, I'd fire back that shit instantly. "Due to your complaints, we have switched to another similar offer and they seem fine with all the new sales"
I can understand lower payouts if the leads are not converting on their end but the ad copy thing blows.

What offer? :D
What network? What AM? Just curious.

Out of personal respect for the network and my AM, I won't say.

As per a lower payout because the traffic isn't converting, thats just not true. My AM has informed me several times that the advertiser is MORE than happy with the quality of traffic I am sending them.
Out of personal respect for the network and my AM, I won't say.

As per a lower payout because the traffic isn't converting, thats just not true. My AM has informed me several times that the advertiser is MORE than happy with the quality of traffic I am sending them.

I'd say fuck 'em then and stop all traffic to their offers if you are running more than one with them.

Find a similar offer elsewhere to fill the gap until they come begging you back, that's if they do.
They really wound'nt have a need to want him back. They have his converting ad and traffic source.
They really wound'nt have a need to want him back. They have his converting ad and traffic source.
Meh, I've written my AM saying I won't run their stuff without complete control of my ads and a higher payout. We shall see what they say. At this current point I don't really NEED their campaigns as I've obviously not put all my eggs in their basket :p
Heres a stupid question I have meant to ask for a while now.

What measures if any do you all take to hide what you are actually doing with affiliate offers, and do they work. I mean anyone can deploy an email link for a banner posting etc and be sneaky but what else, if anything, can we do to keep our secrets. Also, there is clearly a moral line somewhere here. You want to protect your margins but you also don't want violate the affiliate agreement. How big of a problem for affiliates do you all think this is?
Heres a stupid question I have meant to ask for a while now.

What measures if any do you all take to hide what you are actually doing with affiliate offers, and do they work. I mean anyone can deploy an email link for a banner posting etc and be sneaky but what else, if anything, can we do to keep our secrets. Also, there is clearly a moral line somewhere here. You want to protect your margins but you also don't want violate the affiliate agreement. How big of a problem for affiliates do you all think this is?
The advertiser and network can ALWAYS find out who you are - After all, they control the back-end... If they see an ad somewhere that they don't like, and click it, they can tell who you are no matter how many ways you've obfuscated the real link or masked referrers.

As for hiding the referrer from their system, meta redirects.
I lost 5K of commissions on a campaign I ran. They refused to pay me because they didn't like my traffic. I mean come on...they had to of made some money from my traffic...come on! I feel your pain.
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Heres a stupid question I have meant to ask for a while now.

What measures if any do you all take to hide what you are actually doing with affiliate offers, and do they work. I mean anyone can deploy an email link for a banner posting etc and be sneaky but what else, if anything, can we do to keep our secrets. Also, there is clearly a moral line somewhere here. You want to protect your margins but you also don't want violate the affiliate agreement. How big of a problem for affiliates do you all think this is?

Advertisers don't know your source of traffic unless you tell them or direct link (or I guess they could just ask the leads you sent em). I'd assume that my advertiser was tipped off from my AM who knows my method of advertising.
I lost 5K of commissions on a campaign I ran. They refused to pay me because they didn't like my traffic. I mean come on...they had to of made some money from my traffic...come on! I feel your pain.

That's why I only run on networks I know would take the hit if it worked out that way. Essentially BUYING leads is a risky business, thats why they are called leads not SALES, advertisers need to realize it.
Maybe I should be glad I only do sales.

yeah me to ive been thinking about running cpa offers but fuck putting the effort i put in for my other sales and not being paid

coz im the type of guy ....that if they didnt pay me id fuckin go there with my trusty baseball bat and make those fuckaz pay me
Sounds like you like the AM too much to switch traffic.. that's probably why they have you in deadlock to do whatever they want.
Nah, my AM knows that despite my found likeness of him, that I will leave if I get bit in the arse.
Wait, a minute, they're using your copy in the ad campaign, even though they don't like it?
Did you even give them permission to do use the copy in the first place? Cause if you didn't, you've got a really nice high horse to get up on over that.

As for them not liking it in the first place, ask your AM if they can setup a 3 way chat with you & them, so that you can actually get them to flesh out the precise nature of the complaint, yet explain how they can gel it with them using the copy in any case.
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