Sick content layouts?


New member
Jun 10, 2008
Hi looking for some examples of cool article layouts.

Pretty much any examples of how a article with images is shown and displayed on a page in cool, unique or really good ways.

Do you have any websites you like how content is shown on the page?


Hi looking for some examples of cool article layouts.

Pretty much any examples of how a article with images is shown and displayed on a page in cool, unique or really good ways.

Do you have any websites you like how content is shown on the page?


Hello Chini,

I prefer cool article layouts.

I like articles that remove the sidebar and give the entire screen to the article contents with a big font, like how medium does theirs. Really keeps the attention focused and improves the chances that they will read it and not just scan. All about making that readability most efficient. Sidebars really cheapen the whole experience in my opinion.

An example of the above layout and not from medium:

Pictures are important, but they can also be distracting so use them sparingly is my advice. Tom here does some cartoons for his articles:
I like the ones with a pink background, and large, bold, yellow flashing text.

Don't forget to turn your nav menu into a bunch of stars with no labels, and randomize the location of them upon each page load. Makes for a great user experience, as it keeps them guessing and engaged.