Show me your wordpress geekyness

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My head annoys people
Jun 27, 2007
Here is the deal:

I am trying to make a website, that shows music concerts to visitors. The point is to properly tag the concerts, i.e. rock, emo, etc.

I also want the user, to login and select his preferred tags, i.e. no emo, yes rock.

My greatest problem is to make the concerts come with a time tag, meaning the time of the concert itself, and come up with a way to email the user 10 days before the time tag, reminding him of the concert. Automatically of course.

Also, a dynamic frontpage showing a mashup of content depending on the logged in user's selected tags.

Now, I tried making this with drupal, because I found a couple of plugins like content tagging and auto mailer.

But, I want to do this with wordpress.

Is there a plugin remotely close to the emailer? To the time tag? Wordpress has already a tagging system for content, I know, but how could I integrate the user preferences to it?

Is there a plugin remotely similar to the uses above, so I can hack it to death?

Or, can someone here code me a plugin (not a wp hack, I want to maintain upgrade functionality). Pm me a price quote. But in that case, I will ask for even more features...

Man - sounds like your just giving yourself a headache since drupal does what you want with plug ins.

Anyway - might be easier to make what you want from scratch with out using wordpress at all if you decide to go that route. Your core functionality isn't that complicated but trying to integrate all that into wordpress is going to be a pain.
Basically I found the answer, and in the unlikely case that anyone else is interested, I used a Phpfox installation with advanced events mod to handle the concerts

phpFoX Mods: Advanced Events Module for phpFoX

And hacked the phpfox admin mass email script into running from a cron, checking the "Attended concerts" of the members.

But I did write down the mods you suggested in case I need them again! Thanks. I admit I am not that good with Drupal.
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