Show me your puppies...


New member
Nov 4, 2009
Looking at getting a dog, thought it would be interesting to see what kind of pooches you guys have to help me decide on a breed.

On a completely unrelated note, if your dog and a stranger were drowning... nah, but post some pics and breed type to help a lurker out!

This one is from google images, but that's exactly how my dog looked like when he was a puppy:

if your dog and a stranger were drowning...

I'd obviously go after my dog.
Akitas are probably my favorite breed. Other nice dogs: GSD, cane corso, rottweiler, doberman, english mastiff, tibetan (sp?) mastiff and labs are nice too.



German Shorthair Pointer - needs a lot of exercise though or it goes crazy and eats visitors.

Afghan Hounds are nice
Looking at getting a dog, thought it would be interesting to see what kind of pooches you guys have to help me decide on a breed.

On a completely unrelated note, if your dog and a stranger were drowning... nah, but post some pics and breed type to help a lurker out!

Where you live, how much time you have, how much energy you have for dog, if you have kids, and if you have nice things would probably help us help you some more :)

Some breeds are naturally umm hyper and like to chew. Labs LOVE chewing on shit. But they are great with kids, and good natured for the most part. Hell my lab listens to my 5 year old tell her what to do all day and listens.
Where you live, how much time you have, how much energy you have for dog, if you have kids, and if you have nice things would probably help us help you some more :)

Some breeds are naturally umm hyper and like to chew. Labs LOVE chewing on shit. But they are great with kids, and good natured for the most part. Hell my lab listens to my 5 year old tell her what to do all day and listens.

Great advice.

At the OP: learn about the health problems and disorders each breed copes with (hip dysplasia, seizures, etc.). Could save a lot of frustration and heartache later.
German Shorthair Pointer - needs a lot of exercise though or it goes crazy and eats visitors.

Afghan Hounds are nice

Afghans are awesome dogs. I had one growing up as a kid, but it can be a PITA if you keep their hair long. I currently have a long haired Lab and she is one of the best dogs I have ever owned. Even though they are prone to chewing stuff. You just gotta break that habit early or give them an alternative.

Not a puppy pic but...........


Savannah's are bad ass, that is probably the next step after the dog. The GF wants a cat and this is one that I would be all for.

So far I'm thinking lab, can't really beat their overall personality. Those Rottweilers are really nice looking dogs, and as far as the Afghan pic I'm not sure which one is the dog.
I will add my vote for Rottweilers - our family has had them all our life, and our current one is almost 13 years old. He also lives with 3 cats and doesn't have any problems with them...

If you are looking for a dog that doesn't require much in terms of exercise and will put a smile on your face every time you see it, get an English Bulldog. Just make sure you are aware of the potential health problems they are susceptible too...(Also, they are really good for picking up chicks - no one can resist a bulldog)