Should this be achieveable (coding question)


New member
May 18, 2010
I have a javascript + css code for a lead generation form.

This code sends the customer details to the merchant that then pays a commission on any subsequent sales (ie pay per sale not per enquiry).

Things like name, phone, email.

There is another similar merchant that also offers an affiliate programme but through a webpage enquiry form so I'm wondering if it would be achievable to

1) prefill the details to the enquiry form page for the second offer and have a pop-under (so it's still up to the user to submit)


2) save info from enquiry form and send it to the second offer including submit so the user doesn't even see anything.


3) send the email plus name to a mailchimp list (I would still have an opt-in email to confirm and have a pre-ticked box to "sign up for offers"

I think you are asking about prepopulating a form but I am not sure. If that's what you mean then yes it is possible, there are lots of Perl and PHP scripts floating around for doing it that you could use.