Should squeeze pages have graphics on them?


Direct Marketing Design
Aug 25, 2009

I have been designing squeeze pages or name capture pages for my clients.

Many clients demand that graphics on squeeze pages bring better visitor-to-subscriber rates. Header, footer and cool opt-in box create an impressive page and generate confidence to subscribe.

There are online marketers who insist that squeeze page can have strong call-to-action despite using any graphics. They mean a simple opt-in box and compelling text can complete the subscription.

What has worked well for you – a templated squeeze page or a graphics less squeeze page?

Depends on the market, traffic source and offer.

Definitely agreed. For some of my sites the full works (graphical header, footer, pic of product etc) increase sales. For others, a similar setup decreases sales.

Split test it out.
You can graphics and/or text as long as you provide a visual road map for the user.
Split test with and without, just make sure the graphics make sense in context of the page.
34 percent conversion over 10k subscribers -- no graphics.

It all depends but I seem to do fine without graphics.