Should I waste my time? Celeb/Entertainment Market.

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New member
Feb 13, 2008
I have a whole heap of sites in the Celeb/Entertainment Market.

I have them monetized with only google adsense because I am lazy and they aren't my main revenue generator. In fact they make crap money.

I have been thinking about using pubmatic to manage the adverts on them, should I waste my time or would it be worth it. Or do you have any other ideas?

How many hits are you getting?

I have 2 celeb sites, they make about $10 a day with adsense... But I make close to $50 a day from just the firefox referrals I can get out of it.
You'll get your best answer by just testing it out yourself. There are plenty of other monetization ideas here on the forum. Read around... and quit being lazy.
I was full steam into the celeb site niche 5 years ago in 2003 before all these perez wannabes came out. Back then it really was worth it. I built a huge reputation with around 250k visitors/day and made around $1k/day.

Since then I've let the sites deteriorate.

Now, honestly, (in my opinion) I wouldn't bother. With affiliate marketing you can make much more money with the same amount of effort. I recently invested to re-launch a side celeb blog, and while it is still possible to make it big, the amount of work and long-term instability (copyrighted photos) is just not worth it.

Shitty analogy: If you're on a date and wanna have sex, do you act like a friend? Or do you let her know what you really want? Same deal with blogging. It's basically pretending to be somebody's friend to get what you really want out of them (money). Why not just target for the money in the first place? It's much more efficient.
You'll get your best answer by just testing it out yourself. There are plenty of other monetization ideas here on the forum. Read around... and quit being lazy.

I am not being lazy. I orginally setup the sites and got someone to run them for me, updating them etc etc. I just stuck adsense on them to save time, so I could get back to working on the stuff that makes me the big money "affiliate marketing".

The reason I asked this question was to see if anyone here on the forum, runs entertainment sites and could instantly recommend a program etc for monetization.

I know a lot of people who run celeb sites have 'adult friend finder' and pop ups displayed on their sites. I think this takes away from the actually sites and makes it look spammy. So I was looking for more subtle ads I could add.

I am now going to experiment with other methods of monetization, so i can have them as another profitable revenue source.

Anyway, thanks for all the replys. :D
I too have a celeb photo site that gets decent traffic but I am having a hard time making any money off of it. Adult friend finder was not bad when I first put it on but that has declined drasticly now. My adbrite text ads makes about $1-2/day and I've tried ringtones, poker ads, playboy (400+ clicks not 1 conversion) but nothing seems to work.
Thanks for the replys, I am going to try all your suggestions. I suppose I never got creative with these sites because I didn't care about making money from them at the start!
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