Should i try Broad if Phrase and exact convert?


New member
Oct 3, 2008
Hi guys,

I have a question.

I am in a successful campaign that converts well in phrase and exact.

I haven't try using the broad term.

In your exp, should i do it?


Yes, but judiciously, and only for the purpose of finding new kwds you haven't thought of yet. Then move them out of broad and into phrase or exact.
Yeah like others are saying... DO IT... but make sure to get AT LEAST 50k clicks before making a decision...
going broad means exploring of MORE keywords, which means you will lose money. Watch your stats very closely for this may burn you money.. but it will be an opportunity for you to earn more with the campaign.

Tight >>>> Go Broad. goodluck
i'll wait 3,000,000 clicks, then i decide. LOL

if it does not convert from start, I'm not going to use it. one or two days is enough for me to see if it it works for me or not. the phrase-exact converting very well for me.

want me to tell you theses keywords? ;)
..but really, fire up yr best kw tool and come up with at least 500 negatives. Then test yr broad matches and keep adding negatives and growing your phrase and exact keywords
Yeah i would not change the whole campaign to broad at first, namely because doing phrase and exact match give you targeted customers which is what you want anyway. Going broad may get you more clicks, but if it's the wrong type of people who cares, you may be burning money. If you want to experiment go broad with a couple and see if your conversions get better. You may find it more effective to get more targeted keywords in another related niche group of people who would need your product to boost your profitability.