Should i keep running this campaign ?

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New member
Oct 3, 2008
hey all,

i have a question

i have a campaign that i am running for a week and i can't decide if it's a winner or a loser because:

1. i spent almost 600$ on it
2. i made 300$ on it

the problem is i was a dumb ass and i don't know exactly which words converted for me, actually it was the problem with the affiliate network and my pixel that didn't work together, god knows what was the problem.

so now i am in a situation that i don't know my converters, i destroyed the campaign totally - too much games, and click prices are so high. in the other hand, the product does convert, and the payouts are high, but I'll need to do my campaign from scratch

should i do it with these facts, or i should move on ?

what do you guys think ?

If you've got more cash to spend id keep working on it.
That isn't tooooo bad as a start, you can probably turn it profitable with tweaking.

I probably would have started tweaking a little after spending only $200 because you;d have an idea at that stage if it was working or not.

I'd throw another 300 bucks at it and make sure your tracking works and split test 2 different landing pages. again but with proper tracking this time.
2.use prosper202 and use the MANUAL lead updating function.
3.make sure the subid's work.
try it again with appropriate tracking. who knows...maybe one or two of those keywords accounted for all the conversions. If thats the case, you could have a profitable campaign on your hands. Tracking is everything.
You can still find out your converters even if your pixel wasn't firing for p202. Just look at your sub id report from the network. Type in the IP address from the sub id report into P202 and it will show you ad, KW, etc that converted for that user.
i just check the sub id stats on the network and it does not have any sub id record on it :(

and i do use tracking202
I still don't understand why people think that you have to lose X dollars before you can start split-testing. Re-run the campaign and just track and split-test. </rant>
You can still find out your converters even if your pixel wasn't firing for p202. Just look at your sub id report from the network. Type in the IP address from the sub id report into P202 and it will show you ad, KW, etc that converted for that user.

Thanks mate, i managed to recover 3 of my keywords :) +rep added
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