Should I be worried?


New member
Oct 6, 2011
I just check my inbound links on BING, and for some reason it dropped all of a sudden from 3900+ to 12...

This is also around the time that I have done some DFB and other SEO workings..

Should I be worried?

I just check my inbound links on BING, and for some reason it dropped all of a sudden from 3900+ to 12...

This is also around the time that I have done some DFB and other SEO workings..

Should I be worried?



You should be watching your traffic and conversions, not retarded bing backend shit.



You should be watching your traffic and conversions, not retarded bing backend shit.


Everything is still normal, my rankings are all there.. Just wanted to make sure that everything is good. I worked too hard to be fucking up now, but just in case I needed to start over I'd rather know now than later

You should check by google nlytic
Don't need to be worried

Everything is still flowing smoothly.
Is your traffic going down? What about your serps? If these aren't going down, then it shouldn't matter much. Care about these more thank how much 'backlinks' you have.
Is your traffic going down? What about your serps? If these aren't going down, then it shouldn't matter much. Care about these more thank how much 'backlinks' you have.

I will double check my rank tracker program tonight when I get the reports, as far as what SEOMOZ is reporting is no change or +..
I usually don't care what the search engines are showing when it comes to the number of backlinks. If the traffic is there and the conversions are the same then there's nothing to worry about.
See, every search engine has it own set of rules... I guess, Bing has dropped your backlinks from DFB which is why your backlink count dropped.