Shoemoney's landing page guy REVIEW

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New member
Oct 7, 2006
I was reading shoe's blog. I saw a REC button didn't know what the hell it was and I had to click. There I found out about a guy named "keeb" Keeb makes landing pages and webpages. He made like 15 pages for shoemoney to split test. I looked thru a few of his pages and had him make me a few pages. He claims he has 48 hr turn around or some shit like that. He made all my pages in less than 24 hrs. Hit up Keeb on AIM. "keebsta" is his nick. his rates are damn cheap 75-50 dollars. Make sure you tell him that Mac's suck. The latest page he made gets me an extra $20/day and took him 30 minutes to put together. Plus it looks damn good. I bet half of the ringtone landing pages out there are made by this guy.

Okay, Give me a person out of your rolodex. Someone who kicks ass but not alot of people know about em?

The guy redesigning my blog and designing out newsletter.. Tyler Lemieux.

His AIM: TylerLemieux

His rates: $200 per site/redesign

His turnaround: 24-48 hrs max (unlimited revisions it seems)

His portfolio:

If you speak to him tell him I sent you. He may give you 50% off on the 2nd order too for it. He's REALLY fuckin good.
The guy redesigning my blog and designing out newsletter.. Tyler Lemieux.

His AIM: TylerLemieux

His rates: $200 per site/redesign

His turnaround: 24-48 hrs max (unlimited revisions it seems)

His portfolio:

If you speak to him tell him I sent you. He may give you 50% off on the 2nd order too for it. He's REALLY fuckin good.

I remember him awhile back over at He seemed to have a lot of trouble over there in regards to keeping up with deadlines or something like that. Search his name and there will be a few threads about him.
Yup, Tyler is only a year younger than me. 16. Good designer, I used to be a bit jealous until I realized design doesnt really mean shit. Good nonetheless.
The only problem I would have with using someone like this is confidentiality. How can you be sure this guy isn't going to give away your profitable niches once he designs your landing page?
He's doing a pretty good job so far. I don't care about someone's age, just so long as they do what they say they can and more.
The only problem I would have with using someone like this is confidentiality. How can you be sure this guy isn't going to give away your profitable niches once he designs your landing page?

Make him sign an NDA or NC and if he signs it and still gives it out, sue him. Easy as that.
Macs Don't Suck.. Most of the users do!

Hey kids just thoguth i would plop a wassabi and thank those who msg'd me about landers.

Here is my pricing information

Price scale is as follows:
Under 3 pages = $75 per page
3 - 6 pages = $65 per page
6 - up = $50
This is all based on per order

i do have a 24 to 48 hour turnaround.

hit me up on aim keebsta
hit me up on msn
hit me p on yahoo keeboweb

look if you want it done you just have to hit me up we will work it out and your makin money. ask anyone who has used my designs. i have a good record of return.

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