Shit Got Real. Hire Me. Details Inside.

Suspect Device

Inflammable Material
Mar 22, 2011
Hello all ballers here.

I'll keep this short. Like the title says - Shit got real for me. And I am looking for a work.

Short back-story:

Since it is the end of the year, and the IRS of my country is getting really touchy about tax reports. They did an audit on me, and they didn't like couple of things, they have started an investigation, and my business is "on hold" for three months, all of my business accounts are frozen, and they have frozen two of my personal accounts with money in them.

So yeah, I'm in a major fiancial clusterfuck situation, as I have barely enough cash on hand to pay for next month's rent and bills. Thankfully, I got no other mouths to feed.

And this is why, I am here to ask if you need some helping hand in your daily grind.

I am open for any job at this moment - virtual assistant, data entry grunt, customer service rep, can help you manage projects, basically anything.

I am located in Northern Europe, but I can work during any time-zone hours, and I can relate up to 60hrs/week or more if needed.

I have mostly worked with Wordpress only, and I can help you to install/manage and maintain you wordpress sites. Can do blog comments for you, all kinds of data entry related tasks, customer service, basically anything that doesn't include programming or design work.

If I don't know something, show me how to do it, I'll learn it fast.

I can also work trough a freelancer network such as oDesk.

As it will take at least three months to get my business back, I am open for a long-term commitment. As for moment, I can accept payement via PayPal, the IRS haven't touched it yet.

If you got something that you don't want to do, or don't have time to do it, give me a shout via PM or Skype (Skype ID - kris_imarketing) and we can work something out. Like I mentioned, I am open for any kind of job that doesn't include design or programming/coding.

To Mods: If you feel that this is the wrong section to post this, then please delete this thread, and I'll crawl back to my corner.

Here are some boobs for reading my sob story:











