Sheeple attitudes towards the successful and rich (LOL's inside..)

Nov 7, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
These are all real comments, from real idiots, in response to an article called "15 ways rich people think differently"
15 ways rich people think differently |

The comments to this article are VERY entertaining. Just enjoy some of these golden nuggets of wisdom....

Some of my favorites:
People either become rich in either of the following ways 1. they win / inherit the money; or 2. they take very large risks. Most of those other criteria are negligible as if you won't be inheriting fortune the only way you will make it is if you take big risks (for which many people lose lots of money).

16. Most rich people are handed their wealth

So basically, rich people are everything that is wrong with the world that we live in. We didn't need some dumb American to tell us that. Richness is not a measure of success, but a measure of luck and the individuals own immorality.

Rich people worry about their children doing drugs - the average person also has this problem but knows their children can't afford to be a drug addict unless they marry the children of someone rich.

Rich people worry that their next generation is going to lose all that hard earned cash - average people don't have that problem as they are lucky to have enough money to see them through old age.

Oh dear. If this is the path to success then I'll happily fail.

Rich people are sociopaths. It explains many of the behavioral traits listed above.

Sounds horrendous and uncultured. I'd rather be comfortable, cultured, sophisticated, widely read & traveled & highly formally educated than rich by one cent more than I needed

What a load of $%$#! These Rich people start off with millions before they even think about life.

The rich philosophy is basically look after number one, and screw every body else for all their worth!

If that's what it takes to be rich, I will happily stay average. Blissfully average.

most rich people stole something to get were they are

Average people enjoy their lives more.

Behind every great riches there is a scam

Rich people are generally a bunch of miserable knobs who have forgotten how to live and enjoy life.


Unfortunately, harboring disdain for those with property makes it very easy to justify voting that property for themselves.

That is something people with property should fear.
Look at him trying to justify being "average." As if that's something to strive for. So desperate to feel better about being poor that he attacks anyone who isn't. He's like a butt hurt basement dweller attacking hot chicks.
Sounds horrendous and uncultured. I'd rather be comfortable, cultured, sophisticated, widely read & traveled & highly formally educated than rich by one cent more than I needed

Brilliant. The ignorance of this statement is astounding.
Glad you posted that. Very funny... in a sad way.

Just out of interest, do any of you play the lottery?
Nothing wrong with playing lottery. It's "why" you play which makes it wrong or not.

I play because I'm a compulsive degenerate gambler. I actually believe I can win every time I buy a ticket for the Euromillions. It will happen one day. :stonedsmilie:
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lol @ the poor people comments

this is why they will never be above average
Quote: What a load of $%$#! These Rich people start off with millions before they even think about life.

Oh snap. How did that guy know I inherited my IM business from granddaddy way back in 1993?
Those 15 points were pretty on the money...

As a matter of fact one of my old high school buddies (now married with children and a "career") recently posted how he's 'now debt free!' and I literally had to remind myself that most people think that's a good thing. Personally I seek out affordable money to borrow whenever possible and I'll probably never be debt free considering I like leverage way too much to start listening to Dave Ramsey now...

Likewise seeing someone say this was like seeing a man walk up a wall, it just doesn't compute:

Stu of Averageville Posted at 1:55 PM September 04, 2012
"What a pointless article. As an average person, I look back on the 5 minutes wasted reading this article with regret."

The only thing of mine I'm okay with being average are physical features.

There's much more fun ways to light your money on fire.
I often tell people that I'd rather buy an ounce of gold, turn it into dust, and snort it up like cocaine than waste it on certain people.
I wonder if the word "Successful" were used instead of "Rich" how many of those posters would have felt the need to post their negative comments?

"Rich" seems to be a keyword that these morons have been trained to be enraged by, Pavlov-style.
i love the class warfare going on in this thread, as if even half of you mooks have any real dough.