Sharon Stone - 60k Die In China Is KARMA

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New member
Mar 5, 2008
London UK
<object height="355" width="425">Sharon thinks 60 000 deaths and left 8 million homeless + injured is KARMA...

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ugh I use to like her but that's really fucked up. people may not like China's govt but don't blame the people...
Oy that's as bad as Pat robertson saying Hurricane Katrina was the wrath of god because of the homosexuals...or was that after 9/11? God hates mostly everyone except white straight americans so I tend to forget which event was payback for all the sinners.
That's disgusting. Those poor souls (many of them children) that passed away should not be used for any political statement.

Their citizens have little control over political issues like Tibet. People have to understand the entire country has been under communism rule since 1949 and their working class have been raised without any political freedoms.

To associate the deaths of thousands as "karma" for the oppressive policies by unelected officials is ridiculous.
Shut ya mouth and open ya legs again... actually on second thoughts, keep em both closed.
Yea I saw this earlier. what an idiot. That's like saying "9/11 happened because of karma"... you just don't say stuff like that. the people that died did nothing to deserve it. This is just another wannabe star trying to act as if they even care about the world outside of their own.
Hang on a sec... This is just linkbait! Well, mediabait.

Give 'em a juicy snippet of a celeb saying something dumb and they also pass on the sales message, in this case "Free Tibet".

If I had the media attention she has I'd make myself look a twat if it got a few sheeple thinking.
Hang on a sec... This is just linkbait! Well, mediabait.

Give 'em a juicy snippet of a celeb saying something dumb and they also pass on the sales message, in this case "Free Tibet".

If I had the media attention she has I'd make myself look a twat if it got a few sheeple thinking.

I see your point, Hippy, but unfortunately I think when she said that the earthquake was "karma", she meant it. There are better ways to draw attention to our causes that acting like a "twat."

Especially when said causes are true and just as in the case of Tibetan freedom.

But 60,000 people dead is a shame. Nothing less.

The correct answer to the question about the Chinese earthquake is "its a shame. My heart goes out to all of the families affected."

Show your boobs for linkbait, don't act all batshitty.
juicy mediabait? are you sure?

As what I found out from Chinese websites/forums(Chinese language = ma mother tounge), people are going to boycott Dior perfume (Sharon Stone is the spoke person for the product).

Big loss to the company.. if you know the market size and increasing purchasing power in China.. :repuke:
Oy that's as bad as Pat robertson saying Hurricane Katrina was the wrath of god because of the homosexuals...or was that after 9/11? God hates mostly everyone except white straight americans so I tend to forget which event was payback for all the sinners.

Lol! Awesome.

I take my god believing seriously, but I always find it sadly ironic that the most hateful, sadistic, and self centered people are almost always 'deeply religious'.
Lol! Awesome.

I take my god believing seriously, but I always find it sadly ironic that the most hateful, sadistic, and self centered people are almost always 'deeply religious'.
I feel the same way
That's why I'd hate to be famous - she was clearly drunk/high/otherwise impaired and said something stupid & thoughtless. It's the kind of twatty thing you might say in the pub and then instantly realise how moronic what you've just said is. Only now she gets to watch it replayed and dissected over and over again.
She clearly has no idea what karma really means. She obviously wants more popularity by saying "my close friend Dalai Lama". What a joke. As if the Dalai Lama will ask her to help the quake victims in China (and supposedly she cried as the lama wants to help while she thinks theres no need to...booo hooo), what can she do? If the Dalai Lama truely wants to help, he would appeal to UN and stuff, not some dumb ass actress.

Anyway, with a big market like China turning down her movies, she'll realise what Karma really means.
Someone mentioned it earlier, but Christian Dior has dropped her for her karma remarks.

Sharon Stone apologizes for China remark - Celebrities -

More celebrities need to take the Michael Jordan/Tiger Wood approach to political events. I remember when Jordan was approached about a political topic Jordan offered this explanation: "Republicans buy sneakers too."

The standard response by celebrities should be "I'm sadden by the recent tragedy in "tragic area"and I hope to help the "country" citizens during these challenging times.
serve you right, bitch.

judging from the response of chinese members of various forums, I highly doubt an apology will do the job.
thats an aweful thing to say, regardless of how nasty people are, innocent people dont deserve to die just because they are the same race or ethnic background. I'm not disappointed in her because I think it just goes to prove her ignorance and thats sad for her and will end up damaging her career i think. these celebrities dont seem to stop and think about how what they say will affect their lives, like when the beatles said they were more popular than jesus, people were outraged. this isnt really related in anyway other than going to prove that they need to think before they speak, and i guess when it's not scripted ahead of time that is tough
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