Shark Tank S04E09


New member
Feb 5, 2010
[ame=]Shark Tank Season 4 Episode 9 - YouTube[/ame]

PPC Classes? That space is filled to the hilt.

Revestor? Seriously, that guy was up there with the Color app founders, except he didn't manage to get any money.

Costumes were interesting, not much of a business.

Wedding dress chick was cute, idea is solid, hard to scale.

Grandmas? Rock on old biddies, rock on.
The PC classes guy was shit.

Revestor was OK, but he blew the presentation somewhat fierce.

The rollerlolling costumes were SHIT. How ever did that guy get funded?

The wedding dresses COULD be scaled if that chicks learns how to get herself out of the equation (delegation, etc... be the boss, not the employee)

The grannies were the BOMB! Rock solid idea and execution. What impressed me (and the investors) is that they knew their numbers by heart. Always amazes me how many of the hopefuls on the show don't have their own numbers ready.

Lesson learned:
Don't mess with grandma.

Jackie Chan is making good use of the first guys product

[ame=]Chinese Zodiac 3rd trailer - YouTube[/ame]
What was the wedding dress' chick deal? It's not in the Youtube clip.
Love, love this show! Also wanted to add, it's like advice/tips that you'll never hear in the real world when it comes to owning a business.
I love this show because each pitch is like a mini lesson on business. + Every time Mr Wonderful says " You're dead to me" I crack up!
huh, and I actually thought the transformer costume guy had the most potential. Especially if he had a licensing deal with Hasbro or whoever, to make actual known characters like the Transformers, Pokeman guys, etc.

I don't know much about that stuff, but I know there's massive conventions and trade shows for comic book stuff, Pokeman, and whatever, where 10s of thousands go for a weekend. Lots of people are fanatics about this stuff, so could probably make $50k in 48 hours, no problem.