Sharing is having more

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Sep 18, 2006
Giving is the highest form of manifestation of one's true nature. Tithing 10% of all your income to charities/churches in your community multiplies prosperity a thousandfold.

One of the world's greatest investors, Sir John Marks Templeton, founder of Templeton Fund, said "Tithing always gives the greatest return on your investment". Go behind the scenes of most great fortunes, you'll find a common pattern -- the more they gave, the more they got.

Why is this? Because giving expands money. How? Just as water exists in 3 forms - ice, liquid and vapor - money exists in 3 dimensions: frozen (material), liquid (mental) and spiritual. When you give money from an attitude of gratitude and abundance, it thrusts you from the material state into the spiritual dimension.

Just like water expands when it's heated, money expands when it is given away. Giving literally magnifies, multiplies, and exponentializes money.

Many people in poverty consciousness think that money shrinks when you give it away (100% - 10% = 90%) when in reality giving money expands when you give it away by 10%. This is spiritual math. Tithing is a money multiplier, not a money subtracter. It expands, multiplies and adds value to all you do.

When you pick an apple off a tree, God makes sure that next year there are 2 apples where that single apple was picked. One apple seed can create an apple tree, an apple crop, an apple forest and enough apples, over time, to feed everyone - forever.

Giving is a seed that multiplies infinitely. Tithing is the tool.


hhmmm yeah, ok , this is bs blabla...

For someone living in poverty, giving 10% is LOSING 10%... which means direct consequence in their lifestyles...

For a rich person to give 10% has no effect on their life, these people are rich and could live with just crappy interest of their money in the bank.
Most give to charities ( please dont give money to the CHURCH ! ) because they have a reason ( Micheal J fox --> Parkinson , Christopher Reeves --> paralysis etc ) OR because they get some tax benefit out of it... Or perhaps for media / public opinion ...

So yeah, if id be rich, there are many reason why id be giving to charities..

Oh and the quote " the more they gave, the more they got" should be something like " the more they got, the more they gave" which is perfectly normal.
"Oh and the quote " the more they gave, the more they got" should be something like " the more they got, the more they gave" which is perfectly normal."

I agree 100%!

interesting post.
Fucking bullshit. If you believe in a fluffly man in the sky that controls everything, I guess you could believe this too.

He isn't fluffy. Haven't you seen the movies?

He's an old man who smokes a cigar. Or if you are a young buck he is a black guy who is a janitor (bruce almighty).
No this is totally true, everyone send me 10% of this months revenue and you will see.
No this is totally true, everyone send me 10% of this months revenue and you will see.
Unfortunately the only people who'd fall for that are the ones not making anything.
This is not a spirit forum or a religious forum. There is a place for that. Giving away 10% of your money is losing 10%. It's Straight Math. Its a law of the universe.
lol. every man to their own thoughts.

doesn't necessarily means donating money only.
Helping other people out using your time counts too.

Positive Karma as people always said.

just remember...
"anything that goes around, comes around"

I believe in this.

It's no coincidence that a lot of those books such as Think and Grow Rich, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Seven Spiritual Law of Success all mentioning the same thing.

Those that says that this is crap have you even tried it? I guess not.

Guys like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Li Kashing are giving away billions of their money yet billions kept pouring in. Many of such guys were born in near poverty but were never stingy with their money even when they were poor.

Give and you shall receive, just as no debt is ever left unpaid.
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