Share your favourite podcasts


New member
Jun 12, 2009
I want to listen to something while I'm out and there is a fuckton of different podcasts out there, so if you have any favourites it would be cool if you wanted to share them. :)

Preferably if they are on itunes for easy access.

On itunes looks for "I love Marketing" by Joe Polish and Dean Jackson

Lately there's been a couple over promotional ones like the one with 'Tellman' and the other Guru guy with the Video product, but most of the time it's usually pretty interesting info. Definitely good for brainstorming.
Dude, you need to listen to the Ricky Gervais podcast from a few years back. Available on iTunes but also as mp3/torrents on the "right places". ;) These have now been made into an animated tv-show on HBO, but the original podcasts are just as hilarious to listen to without the visuals. Way funnier than most shitcoms or "comedy" movie.
Dude, you need to listen to the Ricky Gervais podcast from a few years back. Available on iTunes but also as mp3/torrents on the "right places". ;) These have now been made into an animated tv-show on HBO, but the original podcasts are just as hilarious to listen to without the visuals. Way funnier than most shitcoms or "comedy" movie.

This, man.
Ricky Gervais, Karl Pilkington and Stephen Merchant talkings
The Joe Rogan Experience
Uhh Yeah Dude