Share Results Network - What's Your Opinion of Them?

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Incongruous Juxtaposition
May 2, 2007
I've just started working with them. The only thing I don't like is that it takes 1 week for the leads on the offers I run to be verified (whatever that means). I'd like to know for my budget planning the average percentage of charge backs if it is at all an issue with leads (I've never ever had a problem with this at Copeac or NeverBlue but the payouts are more competitive at Share Results).

I like that they pay via paypal though and I guess being a bit more exclusive with certain offers helps the performing affiliates and the advertisers alike. I'm curious to hear people's opinion -so star yapping! Also are they net 15 or 30 :s
Haven't seen alot of their reps around here.....

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