Share of investment on Content vs SEO on content based websites


New member
Dec 8, 2010
Hi Guys,

I have few websites, always questions arise in me on how much should I invest for content & how much for SEO. Is there any consensus on it ? I tried to search on this topic, didn't find much on this. Hoping our WF guru's can share their opinions.

so, If I want to build a successful website & make money from it, how much percentage of investment should flow for content writing & how much percentage of investment for SEO ? Assume if it is for authority sites(content based publishing model) & for sustainable long term success.

50:50 (or) 40: 60 (or) ?

Thank you very much for your opinions in advance !

I don't think there's a good way to split it up based on a formula. I say, spend the money where you need to and where you'll get the best ROI. It's a case by case decision.

Basically this is a metric I wouldn't worry about.
Elvis, Thanks for your point. Yes I agree that it is a case by case basis. But if someone plans to build/operate several authority sites, budget allocation for different aspects of business is must for success. It's hard to get to correct figure, but would like to know some opinions on share of investment.

Offline businesses like FMCG etc spend around 15 - 20% on marketing(that is industry standard). For online businesses, I am sure spending on marketing(SEO) is more....

So expecting some figures from you guys.....Thanks.
True. Now I see where you're going with this.

But it's hard to compare authority sites to offline business models. Or even to ecommerce sites for that matter. Plus I think this industry is still too new to have industry standards.

Is there a specific reason you're looking for this data? To set a spending plan for yourself? To develop above-average ratios so you can pitch your business to VCs?
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You got my point. I had good success with online publishing model in different niches & most of them are becoming truly authority sites. Now I want to scale the business and want to show case the project plan to few potential investors....

I also have an in house seo team...but desperate to see what is the average industry expenditure pattern.

As Online publishing business is getting matured, I thought it was easy to get answer to my question :) I see, how difficult is to come to even a rough figure !!

Thanks Elvis, for keeping this conversation going. I am hoping, this thread get some views by our WF guru's....and can get better ideas on this.
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I am hoping, this thread get some views by our WF guru's....and can get better ideas on this.

Same here! I'm sure someone on the forum at least has enough data they could figure out some ratios, perhaps for different stages of their sites' growth cycles.

Have you looked for data on magazine publishers? That might be an interesting comparison. Or dug through Demand Media financials? DMD Annual Income Statement - Demand Media Inc. Annual Financials Just some ideas.