SFPD Ruthlessly Shoots and Kills Unarmed 19yr old Man over $2 Bus Fair


New member
Jun 24, 2006
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G68UmLMO7CY]‪SFPD Ruthlessly Shoots and Kills Unarmed 19yr old Man over $2 Bus Fair‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

In the direct aftermath of a police involved shooting that ended the life of a 19-year-old man on Saturday, dozens of cell phone videos captured the scene that enfolded in San Francsico's Hunter's Point neighborhood. In this video the young man is still alive, wounded with blood pooling underneath his body, and surrounded by San Francisco police officers with their guns still drawn. A crowd is seen gathering around the victim. Voices saying "Where is the gun?" and "F--k the police," mixed with outraged cries and shouting are audible along with sirens. Today the San Francisco Chronicle reported that the police recovered a gun.

The gun, which was not found immediately after the 5 p.m. shooting in the city's Bayview District, was believed to have been taken from the ground as officers tended to the suspect, said police Sgt. Michael Andraychak.

Investigators were able to find the gun after a member of the public provided video taken after the shooting, said Andraychak.

"I do not know the source, but it does appear to have been taken in the moments after the incident," said Andraychak.

No additional details, such as the type of gun or how many shots were fired, would be provided until an investigation of the shooting was finalized, said Andraychak. He could not say how long the investigation would take.

Not only was the "victim's" weapon recovered...all forensics and witness testimonies indicate that he had shot multiple times at officers before they returned fire. So yes, he did have a weapon, although it is not viewable from the distance of this video. Further, the reason the "victim" was running from police was because he was being sought in relation to the Seattle murder of a pregnant woman, Tanaya Gilbert.
This wasn't a good guy or a victim of police brutality, so stop claiming that.

1st comment:

Not only was the "victim's" weapon recovered...all forensics and witness testimonies indicate that he had shot multiple times at officers before they returned fire. So yes, he did have a weapon, although it is not viewable from the distance of this video. Further, the reason the "victim" was running from police was because he was being sought in relation to the Seattle murder of a pregnant woman, Tanaya Gilbert.
This wasn't a good guy or a victim of police brutality, so stop claiming that.

If this is true, he had what was coming to him.
god fucking damnit, monopoly on the use of force, absolute power corrupting absolutely, I don't know, who knows what's wrong with the fucking world anymore
god fucking damnit, monopoly on the use of force, absolute power corrupting absolutely, I don't know, who knows what's wrong with the fucking world anymore
did you read the whole thing? This guy was a parolee, killed a pregnant woman, and a couple other things. Be informed before making these comments.
1st comment:

Not only was the "victim's" weapon recovered...all forensics and witness testimonies indicate that he had shot multiple times at officers before they returned fire. So yes, he did have a weapon, although it is not viewable from the distance of this video. Further, the reason the "victim" was running from police was because he was being sought in relation to the Seattle murder of a pregnant woman, Tanaya Gilbert.
This wasn't a good guy or a victim of police brutality, so stop claiming that.

If this is true, he had what was coming to him.

OK this reduces the rage quite a bit
Today the San Francisco Chronicle reported that the police recovered a gun.

In the news report they said the man in the grey hoodie picked up the gun and police later recovered it. If you watch the original video, at 4:06, the guy actuall picks up something that is definitely not a gun.


This thus discredits the police for having "recovered" a gun after the crime, meaning that there probably never was a gun.

A cop probably just fucked up, shot the guy, then had the police department cover for him. They released a news story about how there was a gun and also tied him to what would be the most publicly disturbing crime they could think of - him murdering a pregnant woman. Since they refer to him as a "suspect" in the murder case, they're not required to actually prove he was involved, but manage to slander his name and get the public less riled up. Also, even though there wasn't a gun, by now everyone that could hold the department liable has stopped caring (as evidenced by the preceding WF comments).

Shit happens all the time on The Wire.
He was a wanted felon who they were searching for questioning in a shooting iirc. He wasn't shot over the bus fare. That is just an initial inflammatory story that the internet has propagated.
In the news report they said the man in the grey hoodie picked up the gun and police later recovered it. If you watch the original video, at 4:06, the guy actuall picks up something that is definitely not a gun.


This thus discredits the police for having "recovered" a gun after the crime, meaning that there probably never was a gun.

A cop probably just fucked up, shot the guy, then had the police department cover for him. They released a news story about how there was a gun and also tied him to what would be the most publicly disturbing crime they could think of - him murdering a pregnant woman. Since they refer to him as a "suspect" in the murder case, they're not required to actually prove he was involved, but manage to slander his name and get the public less riled up. Also, even though there wasn't a gun, by now everyone that could hold the department liable has stopped caring (as evidenced by the preceding WF comments).

Shit happens all the time on The Wire.

Take off your tinfoil hat and do a little research about what actually happened before you get too riled up. He fired a pistol at police and could have injured/killed innocent members of the public. I have no problem with the way the police acted and think society is probably better off without that "victim".
What was left unsaid:

Today the San Francisco Chronicle reported that the police recovered a gun.
The gun was never found after the 5 p.m. shooting in the city's Bayview District because the kid never had one. But we sure as shit planted one on him, said police Sgt. Michael Andraychak.

We're gonna concoct a story about a member of the public providing video taken after the shooting, said Andraychak. "I mean, who's gonna know whether it's true, amirite?"

No additional details, such as the type of gun or how many shots were fired, would be provided until we make those details up, said Andraychak. He could not say how long the investigation would take, but muttered, "As long as it takes the public to forget."

Every word that comes out of a cop's mouth is suspect to me.
So some people are saying he had a gun and was shooting the police, others say he was unarmed.

IF he was unarmed, that was totally out of order. On the other hand, if he was armed, then its his own fault..:cool-smiley-008:
Obviously we don't know all the details of the situation, but let's be real for a minute...

If you were a police officer in that situation, or even just a rational man, would you have shot the perp?

I mean, I don't know the area, but a police officer with an M16 (or another kind of assault rifle, I'm not sure) and a bunch of hoodlums yelling "F the Police" leads me to believe this wasn't really a "high income" neighbourhood. If I was a police officer and someone suspicious looking even had something that resembled a gun or made a wrong move, I would shoot first and then ask questions.

Sure, these are trained police officers, but they're human too...

But, I could be wrong...