Setting up shared hosting

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Sep 23, 2007
I have a brand new empty shared hosting account unto which I will be installing (open source only) scripts for about 100 domains and subdomains with pages that will be of the form location.keyword.tld or keyword.location.tld. like this:

etc. etc.

Each subdomain will have access to several scripts: for example: wordpress, email autoresponder, and a directory, and RSS feeds.

Traffic will be purchased based on keywords like "Macon Georgia Automobile Dealer" or "Johnson City Realtor" or "Billings Dentist" and driven to a local business page.

This must be totally white hat and dead simple to administer with a minimum of htaccess voodoo.

Anybody got any last words or advice for me before I screw this structure up?

Hey ArtDeco, I just noticed you signed up with zensix :)

I'd just say keep everything organized and in separate folders. Keep the root public_html folder empty and use addon domains and their folders to keep everything in their own respective homes.

100 domains is a lot. There's really no easy way to set those all up... so that's gonna take a lot of manual work in cPanel. Same with the subdomains... unless you plan on using wordpress mu for each domain, at least that would save you the trouble of having to add subdomains in cpanel... but you'd still have to ask us to enable wildcard dns for all of the domains.

So yeah, my suggestion:

public_html - root empty (only addon domain folders)
> addon domain folder 1 > wordpress MU (controls all of the subdomains for addon domain 1)
> addon domain folder 2 > wordpress MU (controls all of the subdomains for addon domain 2)

And just keep it going like that.
Subigo -

Yeah. I heard ZenSix is pretty good. Plan is Wordpress Multiuser, prosper202, Infinite Auto responder or other self hosted autoresponder, off root domain and lots of "plug in": identically laid out sites using the same htaccess and config.php files if possible.
"K.I.S.S" all the way.
Already asked your tech about wildcard access and I'm off to read up on it now.
"Going good so far" as the banker as he passed the 10th floor after jumping from the 12th story window.
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