Setting up my keywords


New member
Jul 11, 2011
Okay, I want to make sure I am doing this right.

So I made up a keyword list and put it into Adwords. Now, I grab the top 3 keywords in Global Monthly Searches for my list (and/or keyword ideas list) and start using them in my title and meta tags and in the articles to optimize SEO? Where else do they need to be placed to optimized SEO?

I'm not an SEO guy, but I'll give it a shot..

The next thing you'll want to do (ideally) is get link to your sites using those KWs as the anchor text.
When Googleviews your page, it will look at certain elements and award ranking value accordingly.
Page Title……………………Most important
H2 Tag
H3 Tag
Meta Description
Meta Keywords
H1 Tag
Body Copy
Body Copy – Bold
Body Copy – Italic
Body Copy – Bold & Italic
URL…………………………..Least important
So the H2 and H3 tags are given more importance than the H1 tag>

When Googleviews your page, it will look at certain elements and award ranking value accordingly.
Page Title……………………Most important
H2 Tag
H3 Tag
Meta Description
Meta Keywords
H1 Tag
Body Copy
Body Copy – Bold
Body Copy – Italic
Body Copy – Bold & Italic
URL…………………………..Least important
Now, I grab the top 3 keywords in Global Monthly Searches for my list (and/or keyword ideas list) and start using them in my title and meta tags and in the articles to optimize SEO? Where else do they need to be placed to optimized SEO?

Don't Overdo it! You'll look like a spammer if you use your keyword too much. Use related terms as well. I had one page on my site that overdid use of keyword and it wouldn't rank as well as another page I'd thrown zero links to.
Don't Overdo it! You'll look like a spammer if you use your keyword too much. Use related terms as well. I had one page on my site that overdid use of keyword and it wouldn't rank as well as another page I'd thrown zero links to.

What was your keyword density for that page?
I'm noticing a 5% density trend lately in the top 10 sites analyzing keywords with serpIQ. Been tweaking my sites last few days to see if it helps.
Guys can anyone recommend good tool for keyword dencity? all show a bit different result. Any ideas for 3 word keywords? let say BEST BLUE CARS - if you make this KW 5%, than CARS will be 6-8% cause of other words/sentences...
Instead of just jumping on the most popular search terms right away, I'd probably check the competition for those terms vs some further down the list. It might be worth going after some lower hanging fruit if the search volume is still there. This is a strategy I'm working with now, since I am inexperienced with SEO and would rather see some quick wins than struggle with tough competition.
Not checking off "Exact Match" was my downfall the first few months I got into this