Setting up conversion tracking [azoogle + adwords]

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New member
Jul 29, 2006

To setup conversion tracking, my Azoogle AM told me to send him the pixel ID of the conversion tracking code.

Which part of the code does he want? Here are the fields I see when I creat the code (all values blanked out intentionally):

var google_conversion_id = XXXXXXXXX;
var google_conversion_language = "en_US";
var google_conversion_format = "1";
var google_conversion_color = "666666";
if (x.y) {
  var google_conversion_value = x.y;
var google_conversion_label = "XXXXXXXXXX-4P_Aw";

<img height=1 width=1 border=0 src="">
I assume he's looking for the google_conversion_id field.

If that's all he wants, is there a way to track the google_conversion_value so I can calculate how much ROI I'm generating?

Thanks for the help. How does google know what campaign to associate the conversion code with? Does it just automatically know which Campaign/Ad Group/Keyword converted into a lead?

I guess it's based off of some cookies that are set on the user's computer.

When I created the conversion tracking code in adwords it just seemed to easy. I'm not sure if I'm missing anything yet.

if you have 3 campaigns promoting the same merchant, (e.g. a rap ringtones campaign, a classical ringtones campaign, and a rock ringtones campaign all going to thumbplay), as long as that merchant has just that 1 tracking 'pixel' (code), conversion data will flow for all campaigns using that merchant.
Thanks. so If I embed the conversion price in the tracking code and the lead payout changes, I guess I need to generate the code again and send it back to my azoogle AM? I don't see a way that I could change the lead price without having to alter the conversion tracking code.
Thanks. so If I embed the conversion price in the tracking code and the lead payout changes, I guess I need to generate the code again and send it back to my azoogle AM? I don't see a way that I could change the lead price without having to alter the conversion tracking code.

Correct, as far as I know.
Google drops a cookie when the user clicks an ad, that cookie is linked to the ad information including campaign, group, keyword.. etc. When they convert the google conv. code looks at the cookie and then applys the conversion to the right campaign/adgroup/etc..etc...
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