Setting a cookie - iframed


New member
Aug 30, 2007
I've got a website where I'm being iframed on a couple third party sites. Not irritated about it -- instead going to do a little customization to increase $$.

My issue is that apparently I can't set cookies and I'd like to lock it down for the visitor if they click through to my site.

Right now I'm setting the cookie with a 'on load' event in Javascript (submitting a form).

Can't read the damn thing fast enough with out slowing the page down though - so that doesn't work.

Considering adding an extra page to the site and loading and reading it with curl to grab the cookie.

Options? Issues with this?

Sooo... you're being framed by some leeches - and you want to place a cookie on the visitors who see your site through their iframes.... because?

You're probably running into that "3rd party cookie" problem because your domain differs from the one with the iframe.
Sooo... you're being framed by some leeches - and you want to place a cookie on the visitors who see your site through their iframes.... because?

You're probably running into that "3rd party cookie" problem because your domain differs from the one with the iframe.

It's not really leachers - it's with my permission for two of the three that are doing it. And I need to do it because the site uses cookies to do a few things, store some info, etc...

But yep - it's the third party cookie issue. Haven't had time to test my curl theory - or a couple other ideas I've got. All comes down to me calling a url on my domain and returning the cookie value or setting a cookie. Just not sure if it will work.
Hey STMA, I know you ;)

Check it out. I am working on the other side of that issue currently, where my remote site in my frameset fails to load in ie due to 3rd party cookie restrictions. I have no control over this because it is the problem on the remote server.

Its quite simple really, just create a privacy policy. That is the only thing stopping you from setting those cookies ;)

P3P Policy Instructions Below :D
