100% Accurate and Reliable GOOGLE + YAHOO + BING Rank Tracking!

Hi all - first post here. Hard to believe I've been a registered user here in WF since 2007 and this is the first time I've said anything...lol!
Regardless, I feel the need to put in my 2 cents about SERPbook.
Since Market Samurai bit the big one and no longer is efficient for rank tracking, I have been on a 'round the net mission to find a new rank tracker.
I've tested a bunch - and so far, it appears that SERPbook will be the one I will stick with.
I do a lot of things online which means I have to keep up with the rankings for a lot of projects. I do work for clients, I have a good bit of my own sites and micro sites, I have my own link/indexing network, etc.
SERPbook allows me to break all those projects down into individual categories which is awesome for me.
I also love how the rankings are automatically checked every hour or so. No more having to open a project and manually click to update rank anytime I want to see it (like I had to do with MS).
I also really like the clean, white interface. I like simple - and when you're looking at stats, all I really want to see are the facts and no other garbage to boggle my brain.
Very happy to see a rank checking program that allows multiple domains in one campaign as opposed to each domain being a separate campaign.
For example, say you have a bunch of little domains all working in the same market. With SERPbook you can track all those domains in one campaign and see at a glance how they are doing or if any site needs attention (as opposed to opening each campaign up and looking at them one by one).
Accuracy seems to be pretty good. I still have a lot of my other test rank checking programs running and SERPbook seems to be right in line with the others.
Thanks for creating an awesome product that this industry really needs.
Officially canceling my sescout subscription and sticking with this one. This service is an all around better tool. I loaded up my URL's keywords less than an hour ago and it already has the rankings, backlink count, PR, etc for all of them.
And for anyone wondering if it has different locations it can check from pretty much any google as far as I can see.
I was one of the early testers of this service and have been using it for a month or two...
SerpBook is easy to use, fast, and has frequent updates. A few other features I like are the results sharing ability and the backlink monitoring. I highly recommended this service for anyone who has a need for monitoring the serps.
The interface and the actual graphics is pretty much really simple which is what I like. I don't like too many things in front of my eye. this is just perfect. its simple to use, and I'm pretty sure my 9 year old cousin could set things up with it.
i, myself need to track many keywords daily so I would definitely recommend something like this if you are someone like me. The prices could be cheaper and cost effective but overall, apart from that, this is the only keyword tracking tool you need!
If I can, i am going to continue using my free review account but as soon as that is finished, I will most likely subscribe to a package. Thanks!
great tool
I actually didn't get a review copy and I don't even know the OP, but I saw this on someone's signature here a few weeks back and decided to try it out. Since the Rank Tracker on Market Samurai went down I was looking for a new, stable way to check my rankings.
I use it for my Micro Niche sites so I only have the 10 keyword package, which is like $2/month. It's super easy to use (I just log in and check my rankings within 30 seconds then leave) and it gives a lot of information. I actually found out that one of my ranking MNS turned to a PR 2 and I never would have known without SERPbook
Overall, a nice little tool that satisfies my cravings to check my rankings every 2 seconds.
I was one of the beta testers of this site. And let me tell you, it's mind-freaking-awesome.
The graphs are nice looking, updates are accurate and quick, backlinks are also a handy number to watch by.
I recommend SERPbook.
Been using it for a couple of months now. I was one of his first customers. I dumped my sescout service and moved over everything to his service.
The service is cheaper and works just as well if not better than SEScout. The interface isn't as nice as SEScout but it works just as good. If you have used sescout you know the problems they seem to always be having. Haven't really run into those issues yet with this service.
Any issues that do come up lanbo responds quickly to them and fixes it immediately.
Happy with the service and happy to support a member who understands customer service.
I too have been using this service since it first started. I have also known lanbo personally for quite some time now. If there's ever a problem, lanbo will work his ass off to fix it. The few issues that he has occasionally are often resolved very quickly. These prices are affordable and fair. The serp checker works as described and sure, it may not look as fancy as the other competitors, but for anybody who cares about productivity and prices over looks will love this serp checker.
I've been using this service for the past 3 days and Lanbo's been extremely quick at answering all my questions and addressing issues that I saw in rankings of specific keywords.
As of today this is the most accurate and fastest online ranking tool that I've used. With a few more interface improvements to view all my domains and sort by keywords within a domain (all in a single dashboard view similar to SEScout) I would be really happy Lanbo's willing to look into this so I'm looking forward to it.
Just based on the accuracy and speed of rank updates this is definitely a keeper over SEScout for me.
After being constantly frustrated by desktop solutions for many years, I have spent the last few months looking for an ideal cloud SERP tracker.
I tried sescout, but it was pretty unreliable, and their service was terrible.
Desperate, I gave serpbook a shot and signed up to the biggest package.
I have not been disappointed. The system itself is very lightweight. It is easy to add keywords and seperate projects.
The results are spot on, for both Australia specific and worldwide results.
Where serpbook really shines however, is in the excellent quality service provided by lanbo. I had a few issues, mostly mistakes on my part, and lanbo was very very keen to get in, solve the problem and make sure I was satisfied with the outcome.
Lanbo worked really really hard and was quiet responsive to questions. He managed that it's now accurate in my country for Top 50 search results. I really like his services and looking forward to his offten added new features.
Thanks for everything Lanbo!
recently signed up and really impressed with this tool - being in the cloud makes a great alternative to software checkers - particularly for a mac user having to using virtual pc. had a slight configuration issue with my setup and lanbo responded very quickly and fixed my problem. kudos.
Subscribed, this is a really nice service.
The layout is noob friendly, pretty simple to use and really effective.
I suggest to everyone to try it, also the prices are GREAT. Keep the good job.
Signed up... So far the rank accuracy is dead on and it updates every 2 hours or so.... Simple and the price is right... While continue my membership.
Loving this service, on my second month with them now. Good job!
I bought the Lite to test it, because all the other services are either Kaput, or once a day updating, or even once a week MS. This serp tracker is AWESOME!!! I love it, it is very accurate, and I am using foreign keywords and U.S. . The backlinks and search volume are nice additions, but this is EXACTLY what I've been wanting, and it is great to see the bi-hourly updating. Wow! It's worth a look! I RECOMMEND!!!
I have to say, this is a damn good SERP tracking service.
I have tried 3 of the top online SERP tracking services over the past 3 months, and this is by far my favorite.
Very accurate, and feature-rich.
Great work, Lanbo
I have been looking at this service for a few weeks and finally purchased it today, and boy do I wish I had done it sooner.
No more going into Chrome>Incognito and typing in each keyword manually, no more free unreliable SERP trackers. Graphs and Alerts when keywords move, SerpBook is just fantastic. On top of that the owner is incredibly communicative which shows me they are committed to adapting SerpBook as it grows to suit the needs of everyone that uses it.

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