
I used it in the early stages of beta. It showed A LOT of promise. Haven't had a chance to use the new version though.

My initial impression of the beta was that SERPAssist is what SENuke should have been.

I think dchuk was using it and has talked to the coder of it. He'll prolly have more info.
I have used it, and have also spoken with the dev a bit. First of all, he's a nice guy and is doing a good job. I haven't used it much recently, but it definitely shows promise. There were some awkward intricacies he was still working out, like sites dependent on others that if they didn't get built, would break the whole chain of work, but overall, he has the right idea with it.

The ability to schedule out projects, down the road imo, will be its biggest feature. He's going to run into scaling issues with proxies soon though, since he does all account creation and posting from his own servers. It'll be interesting to see how he handles scaling.

Try it out and see what you think.
Man, the tool look sick! It exactly like something I'd build. In fact I was dreaming of this while using piece-of-shit-UI SEnuke. The only thing I'd do different is make it all web based without the fancy interface. The creator even said himself on the BHW that he might change it and make it all web based.

In any case, the tool looks dope. My friend is going to buy it soon. He is just waiting to see some reviews from other users :) Then I'll report back here.

He's going to run into scaling issues with proxies soon though

Meh, proxies can be real cheap. I can get 250 IPs for $100.
Man, the tool look sick! It exactly like something I'd build. In fact I was dreaming of this while using piece-of-shit-UI SEnuke. The only thing I'd do different is make it all web based without the fancy interface. The creator even said himself on the BHW that he might change it and make it all web based.

In any case, the tool looks dope. My friend is going to buy it soon. He is just waiting to see some reviews from other users :) Then I'll report back here.

Meh, proxies can be real cheap. I can get 250 IPs for $100.

Where in the hell are you getting ip's for under a buck a month?
Okay, well, I decided to set it up and test it for a bit. I'll report back here for anyone interested in this.

I plan to initially use it for just a couple of projects that have been sitting for awhile with minimal SEO done on them, and will see how things pan out.

While there are a couple of things I'd like to see different, it really is a pretty badass concept. So far on day one my projects are getting built, but I am taking it a little slower initially and plan to ramp it up as things progress. It's really cool to be able to build out everything at once, though, and to be able to schedule it out over time. Hopefully he will keep adding more sites to the list of properties regularly.
Not much at this point. I have an exact match domain which is the singular form of my target phrase because plural wasn't available, and the plural gets 5400 exact searches per month where the singular gets 1300. It is medium competition in Google with the shopping block and Amazon holding the top of the SERP under three levels of ads.

The site was built a few months ago with a few articles, and I then wrote a few more and submitted them to Ezine and a couple of other article directories including a Hubpage and Squidoo lens. I have done nothing to promote this site since.

Before starting on the 15th it was sitting at #61 in Google and #11 in Yahoo for the singular and #94 in G and #144 in Y for plural. Not showing up in Bing for either.

June 16th
Singular #52 G #11 Y
Plural #100 G #163 Y

June 18th
S #53 G #11 Y
P #100 G #159 Y

I am only going to use this tool over the next 30 days to promote this site for the test. I'll update periodically, but for now, I can't see anything conclusive. The backlinks created are so far not showing up in WMT or Site Explorer. It also does seem to be taking awhile to bookmark everything, but I imagine that is due to the submission limits and to avoid detection by the bookmark sites.

So far I have created 6 "blogs" with it and told it to bookmark all of them as well as submit the RSS. It has used up 32 of the 200 included captchas to do this while creating a total of 15 accounts with the various sites including 3 email accounts.

The current list of sites supported is here:
SERPAssist - Home Page

I hope to see these increase, but it looks like he is adding as the list was updated a couple of days ago.
Did another rank check earlier, but don't have time to post detailed results. The site has moved to #9 in Yahoo, and a few spots forward in G. Still nothing in Bing.

So far everything is working well, and there have been more updates to the list of sites as well. I added more layers to the network today, and noticed that a couple of the links are now showing up in WMT as well.
Will post more detailed results in the next update.
Just updating here. The site got yanked down a few hundred spots by G for several days, but it seems to be coming back somewhat now. I don't suspect my use of SERPAssist has had anything to do with it...more likely a package of profile links of questionable quality that were done a month or so ago, and are slowly showing up now.

I have been sending most of these links to internal pages and using internal linking from pages to link to the main domain. The pages are now moving up whereas they were not showing up in the top 500 before, and even though the domain isn't ranking anywhere for the plural of the keyword, the internal page for this is. For whatever reason, this site is still not showing up for Bing.

July 1st
Singular #369 G #10 Y
Plural (not in top 500) G #108 Y

July 6th
S #49 G #10 Y
P (not in top 500) G #114 Y

(in my initial report I screwed up and gave the phrase data for the "plural". I had shown it as #100 in G, and it still is for phrase, but not broad. It has never been in top 500 for broad-search plural. The colors Market Samurai uses are easily confused.)

Still no complaints about the usability of the software or its success in building the projects. There have been a few more updates to the list of sites, but it would be nice to have the ability to add articles to the blogs that are made after they are built.
Currently, the way it works is after submitted tasks are done you cannot edit anything from within the software. You do have access to the account information for each site, though, so it is possible to login to each manually to post additional would just be nice to have this included in the interface for efficiency.
As of the latest build ( you can now post articles to the same account (with or without links). Not all sites support this (yet) but the infrastructure is now in place and some sites, like Tumblr, support it.

The ability to go back and edit an existing post is still planned, but at least now you can build up authority instead of 1-page wonders. :)

Thanks, Dave! I saw your email on the new features a few days ago, but forgot about the thread here.
That is awesome functionality, and I am happy with the software. I have started using it for a few more sites and just renewed the subscription. Definitely plan on keeping it as the time it's saving is worth multiple times what I'm paying for it.
Trying this tool out this week...real kick ass interface. One thing concerns me so far though, we had put an email up for creation last night, and it's still pending. Without the email, it won't be able to create the account for the link:

How long does it generally take to create the email?

If we have a link thats pending, and an email, will it always finish the email first before doing the link.

k well, it creates accounts like a bitch, but still waiting on posting the links, been waiting for at least 24 hrs, anyone else experience this?
A few answers (I don't get out much to the other forums):

1. Web-based v2.0 is a LONG way off - I just got this first version out the door at the beginning of June. v2 will require a major re-write.
2. I am quoting a 24 hour turnaround on tasks. Many times they get done MUCH faster. Workload is not the problem as much as keeping up with web site changes, user error (bad data), and honestly bugs in my code.
3. You do NOT have to wait (like other tools) for accounts to be created. You can actually build out a WHOLE diagram and submit every task all at once (even schedule them out) and SERPAssist "remembers" all the dependencies for you (such as Site A needs to exist before I backlink to it from Site B).

We are SUCCESSFULLY processing around 4,000 tasks PER DAY. I'd say at least double that are "touched". Anything that doesn't go through the first time get queued and retried per the backend server rules.

The latest build fully implements the "auto-redirect" feature. If a Web 2.0 site permanently dies (Blogetery) or goes pay-only (Diaryland) your tasks *still* get completed - just on an alternate site. The PR won't be as high, but your link strategy is not broken.

Hope this info helps!