Separate LP for each adgroup?

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New member
Dec 16, 2007
Tokyo, Japan
Ok, I usually find 95% of what I'm looking for with the search function but I can't seem to find the answer to this.

The campaign I'm setting up has 34 adgroups, for tracking purposes would it be best to have the destiniation URL for each group sent to a separate LP with exactly the same content? Or is there an easier solution here that I am not grasping?

Any advice is much appreciated.

i wouldn't have the exact same content on each LP...change the LP content to reflect the keywords targeted in each adgroup
Using different LPs is usually reserved for making them more laser targeted towards the specific adgroup's keywords. If you are considering different LPs only for tracking purposes, there are much easier/better ways to accomplish this using basic PHP and MySQL.

If that's what you need search the forum for subid tracking, although that's not exactly what you need, you will find plenty of info to help with tracking.
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