SEOspyglass and backlinks


New member
Nov 22, 2011
I am using SEOspyglass to analyze my backlinks to my site and the weird thing is I am not seeing any of the web 2.0 properties that I created with posts and a link. Any reason why this is not showing up? They are all indexed and have been up for months now.

Does any other reporting tool show them? And what search engine options are selected?
I tried ahrefs and that does not show the properties either. I am just using the default settings in spyglass.
I tried ahrefs and that does not show the properties either. I am just using the default settings in spyglass.

It's a good chance they just didn't get picked up yet then. Default settings would include their proprietary system which is doing pretty good for me. See what happens in a few weeks.
You should spend your time doing something more productive. If the links don't get picked up by themselves than they are worthless anyway.
I honestly wonder how everyone thinks all of these backlink tools actually know about all of your links. It's not like they just magically appear, they have to be crawled, analyzed, and indexed.

Just because you build a link 1) doesn't mean it will be indexed in the search engines and 2) doesn't mean it will show up in the backlink tools.

Search engines and backlink indexes work off of the exact same principles guys.
Ok I understand that. So how about a little help on what I can do to check to see if they are indexed and how to get them index. I did a blog commenting blast a few weeks ago to them and that doesnt seem to help either.
Ok I understand that. So how about a little help on what I can do to check to see if they are indexed and how to get them index. I did a blog commenting blast a few weeks ago to them and that doesnt seem to help either.

Being indexed in google and being indexed in the backlink tools are two independent things and they do not depend on each other in any way. Objectively, being indexed in Google is all that really matters, but honestly, if you're having trouble getting a link indexed, it's probably not the best link in the first place.

Your time is better spent finding and building better links. If you've built links to your unindexed backlink in question, it's only a matter of time until the SE's pick it up. Stressing out about it right now isn't going to help matters. Just stay persistent with finding new links.
If you are after good quality dofollow links then try SeoQuake toolbar to analyse High PR forums for their dofollow pages. You can use sites like squidoo, webicy, warriorforum, rateitall, and All really good backlinks