Seo software after google animal updates?


The paper chaser
Dec 14, 2011
Prior to the Google updates i was using seo software such as SEO Powersuite and IBP with quite good results.

Seeing as though this type of software was mainly advising on keyword placement, meta descriptions, titles, bold wording, anchors, etc is this type of software relevent/helpful after the Google animal updates?

+SEnuke always kick-ass

You waited almost 5 years to tell all of wickedfire this?

I think you win the wf lurker award. Someone get this guy a premium membership.

Sidenote, I still haven't tried the new Senuke yet, but because of how long you waited to tell us, I might have to check it out.

I personally think software that allows you to easily create scripts to automate things is the best software you can have.

Dunno about (new) senuke, the old one was crashing/getting stuck frequently and people are saying that the new one is the same....

I personally think software that allows you to easily create scripts to automate things is the best software you can have.

Sick submitter/Ubot
Dunno about (new) senuke, the old one was crashing/getting stuck frequently and people are saying that the new one is the same....

Sick submitter/Ubot

Yup, I use sick submitter for almost everything I do now. It's great.
Prior to the Google updates i was using seo software such as SEO Powersuite and IBP with quite good results.

Seeing as though this type of software was mainly advising on keyword placement, meta descriptions, titles, bold wording, anchors, etc is this type of software relevent/helpful after the Google animal updates?

It really depends on your end goal. Are you looking for the software do to on-pages analysis, find pages so you can drop links, or look up your competition's backlinks and SEO structure?

A little more detail in your question and you won't get random "SENuke is the best remarks".