SEO for non English words on a English website


New member
Jan 5, 2011

I have a website in English, everything is in English. To try and get some customers from other countries I have added some foreign keywords to
My keyword tags. I have also done some link building with these words but with english articles.
I'm not seeing any serp movement for these.

What am I doing wrong and what is the best way to get ranked for such keywords


I have a website in English, everything is in English. To try and get some customers from other countries I have added some foreign keywords to
My keyword tags.

Dickhead! You may have the site in English but not in Proper or native English.

You should instead create another page without ruining the old one and use your Keyword tags with it. DO NOT combine the English targeted page with a native language of yours.. It takes a lot more than Keyword tags. Like you must use the KW in the Page (on page) and on the back-links (Off page) as anchor etc etc etc.

Also don't put KW tags where your readers can see it cause it will be an instant turn off :thefinger:
Dickhead is correct.

Keyword tag is useless. That's so 90s man.

Best solution? Build out separate site in appropriate country TLD (.jp,,, .de).

Too much work? Build out translated site in subdirectory ( and make sure its verified in G Webmasters Portal

Still too much work? Go suck a dick.
I’m in the same boat!

Actually, I’m a SEO consultant in my country and I’m always trying to find a way to automate my work, but we don’t have tools here. And everything takes so much time to be done.

I always wonder if the links with English anchor text would work great. I never did the test because it seams to me that it will look like spamming for Google. I think they could suspect that I’m kind of “cheating” the system.

If someone have had a true experience with that situation it would be great to know what the real facts are.
You can either ask questions in forums and get 100 different responses from 100 different people, or you can earn your SEO consultant badge and test, test, test.