SEO for local


Nov 20, 2011
Looking to target a niche in a local area where competition is not too strong. I already have a main site but we are being outranked by a competitor because of their keyword in domain name and on page SEO.

Now I have bought up 4-5 with the same keywords, is it best to create 1 site and create re-directs to the main site or create a website for each of these domains.

Your best thing to do would be to focus on creating strong individual pages based around longtail keywords. If you focus on the longtail keywords, you could receive high rankings for your pages due to large amounts of organic traffic.
Unique content each page.

Strong onsite seo

Keyword articles based around local keyword
Honestly OP, I did heavy reading regarding this matter from many sites and many SEO 'goroo' opinion. You best bet to rank hard is to have unique personalized content to each of the cities counties. Not just make a page about Seattle but target the counties as well. Spam bomb citation and fix NAP across the internet. There are tools as well like NAP Hunter on Chromium. This will jackup your parasite listing [Yelp,Google Local, YellowPage, etc] and show on top. Because if there are listing being show in the top SERP, your best bet is rank those instead of yur own microniche site.

Hopes it helps.
For local, I would make your main site strong and use your other domains for PBN's. Then point all of the lower value links you build/buy to your PBN's and your higher value links to your main site. Then remove your competitors domain advantage by using the same keywords in the paths of 1-3 of your main pages. Make sure these pages are strong, both on page and off. Since the competition is low this should work pretty quickly (assuming quality PBN's and inbounds).

A quick note on PBN's. Don't just host them on different C-class IP's, host them with different hosting companies and on domains registered through different registrars. Use different platforms, themes and plugins. Don't cross link any of them or use any identifiable affiliate ID's. Your goal is to make them look unassociated with one another by avoiding footprints... and C-Class IP's are only one of many footprints.
Citations always help me rank locally. Plus helps with google maps and shit.
Citations + Tier 2/3 links. Unique content for each location that ISN'T keyword stuffed. Make sure to drop in the town name, broader city name, state name, zip code, and a local phone number if you can. Once each. DO NOT over optimize. Let the relevance of your site and your quality citation backlinks do the work for you.
Looking to target a niche in a local area where competition is not too strong. I already have a main site but we are being outranked by a competitor because of their keyword in domain name and on page SEO.

Now I have bought up 4-5 with the same keywords, is it best to create 1 site and create re-directs to the main site or create a website for each of these domains.

Are you on linkedin?
Look up this guy for Local Seo Jason Quinlan (don't mind weird pic) Can try talking to him.