SEO for for a redirected domain?


New member
Jan 5, 2011

I have a website for which I rank top for some keywords in the UK. The URL is a domain. I am finding it difficult to rank highly in other country google engines because of local sites and .com sites that rank high.

To try and overcome this and try and rank in certain google engines quicker I was thinking of doing the following.

Register my domain with the domain ending with the local country prefix, for example for I was going to register my domain with .ie . Then redirect this url to my site. I will then undertake some SEO on this .ie domain with certain keywords I want to rank for. With it being a local domain I think google will give it preference (in some aspects) which in turn should help me rank better.

What I am not sure is whether will show it in the search listings as a site with a .ie prefix or the original ?

Any suggestions on the above and whether what I have outlined can work will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.