SEO Expansion Question


New member
Jan 18, 2009
I currently have a domain that's ranked on first page for 3 specific KWs I've targeted after a few months of work.

I want to expand though and hit around 10 other KW FP's. Here's my question:

These other KWs are harder to achieve so I'm thinking about getting the exact TLD's (some have .coms available and some only .nets) for all 10 KWs and then 301 redirecting them to my main site and building links to all those 10 domains separately so they can move up in the rankings but the end user still lands on my main site. Does this make sense? Has anyone ever tried this? If it's a completely retarded idea that won't work please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

don't do that. build pages on your current site with the keyword as your exact url (, laser target the onpage, and build links.

Leverage your site's inherent authority already
I currently have a domain that's ranked on first page for 3 specific KWs I've targeted after a few months of work.

I want to expand though and hit around 10 other KW FP's. Here's my question:

These other KWs are harder to achieve so I'm thinking about getting the exact TLD's (some have .coms available and some only .nets) for all 10 KWs and then 301 redirecting them to my main site and building links to all those 10 domains separately so they can move up in the rankings but the end user still lands on my main site. Does this make sense? Has anyone ever tried this? If it's a completely retarded idea that won't work please let me know.

Thanks in advance.
Listen to Dchuk

What you describe is kind of-sort of a Mini-net or wheel, but not correctly done. It's far more intricate to achieve that effect than that. And furthermore, Building Links to a 301 redirect would be tres retardo, imho. Think about it- what exactly are you linking to?

Far better to focus your efforts on the main site and add pages crafted as Chuk says and build deep links to those inner pages, piggybacking on the authority of the mothership, which becomes stronger and more authoritative as a result as well.
This is great guys, thanks.

To get a little more specific though, I want to rank for synonymous terms such as "internet K2 K3", "web K2 K3" and "online K2 K3" (K2 and K3 are the same in all 3 instances).

I thought to buy the EMDs for each one and 301 but if that isn't a good idea, then what is the best way to approach this? Building 3 different pages and articles for each synonymous phrase wouldn't actually make sense with the site, any suggestions?
sounds like they're related enough to just target all of those keywords on the same page to be honest.

if it were an instance like "toyota pickup truck" "ford pickup truck" etc., then I would advise separate pages instead.