SEO + CPA = Profit? Or Not?


New member
Sep 19, 2007
I don't wanna admit I'm a newbie but I never really see anyone talking about using SEO to drive traffic to CPA offer. Does it work or it takes too long for anyone to have serious look on this?

I tried to sell bonzai plants to people searching albino squirrels. I sold nothing. Why is this?

That's how much of a dumbshit you sound like.

Fucking try it. If your organic traffic is targeted/landed right, you'll have no dramas.
you sold nothing because I already cornered the bonzai plants to albino squirrel searches market.

83 cents a day...whaaat?!?!?!
I don't wanna admit I'm a newbie but I never really see anyone talking about using SEO to drive traffic to CPA offer. Does it work or it takes too long for anyone to have serious look on this?

How can you think that a visit coming from organic results would drive less conversions than other types of traffic?
Like they always say, if it is possible to make $1 via a certain method then it's possible to make a million.

It's obviously a matter of just trying different stuff which YOU think will work.

CPA offers though aren't as often promoted through SEO as traditional affiliate programs because offers get changed around often, paused, resumed, then paused again, and/or discontinued within a few months.

If you find a CPA offer which has the staying power of say a Clickbank product then I say go for it, and if you're trying a site with offers which often get paused like email submits, you'd want to have multiple offers on the page.
Like they always say, if it is possible to make $1 via a certain method then it's possible to make a million.

It's obviously a matter of just trying different stuff which YOU think will work.

CPA offers though aren't as often promoted through SEO as traditional affiliate programs because offers get changed around often, paused, resumed, then paused again, and/or discontinued within a few months.

If you find a CPA offer which has the staying power of say a Clickbank product then I say go for it, and if you're trying a site with offers which often get paused like email submits, you'd want to have multiple offers on the page.

Yep learned this yesterday. Network had an offer a few weeks back and I decided to shell out some money and get a lander made and everything so I can promote it via SEO. Got everything done so head over to the network to get my affiliate link and bamn the offer is gone.
i see... thanks for all the answers everyone! :)

right now I'm using UAW to rank for certain keywords on Google with great success (and I'm promoting Clickbank product), so just want to know if I could expand to a wider source of traffic... that's all.

Thanks again.
If you search the obvious keywords in google, you'll definitely finding people doing seo for cpa. Learn from them and apply it to a new niche.

I would recommend staying out of the albino squirrel market though. It is ridiculously competitive. I'm paying $5+ per click on adwords but i'm fortunate to have an exclusive private offer that converts well so I'm making money on it.
You can definetley rank and make big bucks with CPA offers. Just be creative with your landing pages and add a few posts of content and you could be making 6 figures in no time.
The key to not wasting a lot of time and effort while promoting CPA offers through SEO is to find stable CPA offers. Look for the offers that have been around for a long time and build your niche sites around it. You still want to be able to change the offers when ever you need to. Meaning you dont want your content to be obsolete if the offer dies. You want to be able to be able to just plug your new offer in if the old one dies, not redesign your whole site and content.
I don't wanna admit I'm a newbie but I never really see anyone talking about using SEO to drive traffic to CPA offer. Does it work or it takes too long for anyone to have serious look on this?

Traffic with social media refers to taking advantage of web 2.0 sites. You can either use a direct approach by linking to the CPA offers right from the web 2.0 sites or you can use the indirect approach by creating inbound links to the web 2.0 sites. A list of some sites include Facebook, Myspace, Squidoo, Propeller, HubPages, WordPress, YouTube, Digg, Delicious, and Twitter.