SEO Content Question


New member
Apr 15, 2010
I've recently been working with my first SEO website (using WordPress) and I've managed to get #1 on my targeted longtail keyword (~500 uniques a day). I'm very happy with this, but my next goal is to get on the first page of Google using a short keyword (not a very comptetitive niche I don't think).

If most of my content is located on subpages, with the mainpage just being mostly an index with links to and summaries of the content (and SEO the subpages for longtail), will the main page rank well for the short keyword?

If your summaries include enough content for the keyword then yes you should be able to rank it. Assuming your subpages are optimized for long tailed phrases that support your short keyword I would backlink them 80%/20% with 80% of each long tailed links going to the optimized page and 20% to the main page. Then I would split the main keyword just the opposite with 80% going to the main page and the other 20% spread out between the subpages. I have had pretty good results doing it this way for sites with 5-12 subpages/longtails built around a main keyword.

A few advantages to this is that one the longtails seem to support the main keyword, two the longtails usually rank easier/quicker so you start pulling in some cash from them while you are still working on the main keyword, three you are ranking the site for a bunch of keywords so if one or two of them bounce around a bit you still have others ranking and bringing in traffic, and four combining a bunch of related keywords on the same site lets you target ones that are not really worth going after on their own but added together bring in a fair amount of traffic.
Make sure to get some inbound links with your new desired short keyword as anchor to get things moving..
I've recently been working with my first SEO website (using WordPress) and I've managed to get #1 on my targeted longtail keyword (~500 uniques a day). I'm very happy with this, but my next goal is to get on the first page of Google using a short keyword (not a very comptetitive niche I don't think).

If most of my content is located on subpages, with the mainpage just being mostly an index with links to and summaries of the content (and SEO the subpages for longtail), will the main page rank well for the short keyword?

I think you're confusing the issue by thinking about where most of your
content is. If you want to rank your homepage for a competitive phrase,
just do the same thing you've been doing, but get links pointing to your
homepage. Keep it simple.

The short answer is yeah, it will to an extent, but why are you worried about ranking the main page for this keyword/phrase?

Rank the subpage, and keep the juice there- I assume that's where you are going to do the selling, right? Your main page will benefit somewhat automatically, and you can have a "Home" link so it's humanly navigable and SE followable.
Yes, by producing some quality back links to your main page you can rank well easily as you mentioned the niche is not very competitive.

As a noob i can't explain more.