Sent PM's?


Marketing Dope
Jan 4, 2011
Is there a specific setting in the CP whereby, I can view my "sent" private messages. I can't tell if my messages are actually going out or not?

I've sent 2 responses to PM's over the last couple of days, and my folder shows...."sent Items 0 "

Kind of aggravating, really...


Therein lies the problem, my folder always shows 0 messages...yet I had just replied to a PM, and sent the person a message?

I've tried to "jump to folder" shows 0, as does the box on the top left...I dunno?

The message I received shows the replied arrow icon, so I am guessing it was sent, but again...I cannot view any sent messages....I've tried everything!!
User CP > Edit Options > Save a copy of sent messages in my Sent Items folder by default

Check if that is enabled. If it's not, then you won't save a copy of your sent messages unless you explicitly check it when sending one.